Yinxiangjiang Residence
  • 城市 : 长沙湖南   City : Changsha
  • 面积 : 300   Area : Hunan Province
  • 完成日期 : 2022-01-30    Completion Date : 2022-01-30
  • 设计师 : 彭洋 龙亚迪   Designer : PENG Yang LONG Yadi
  • 摄影 : 朱海   Photographer : ZHU Hai
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 上海八奢室内设计有限公司   Official Name : Shanghai 8C Interior Design Co.,Ltd
  • 官网/公众号 : www.8cspace.com
Yinxiangjiang Residence  印湘江住宅
因为经常周转于城市之间,这个居所于居者而言更像是一个“打尖儿”休息的私人空间,偶尔也会承担起宴请的任务。空间的原貌是精装,不过众口难调,再精良的品质也无法满足所有。因此以将空间蜕变成简约不落俗,摩登而不失真为目的,设计旨在空间、环境与家之间探寻张力。 功能布局上,整个空间分为两个部分,较为宽敞的公共区域,客厅、餐厨房及厨房位于此;另一部分则为私人空间,主要是家庭成员的卧室所在。整个空间中仅有些许的改造调整。原始布局入户迎面便是一组柜墙,让本不宽敞的门厅更为迂回,所以选择拆除柜墙并围砌上书房近入户的一侧入口,为了舒适进出将柜墙填补到右侧缺口,并与对侧齐平,这让右“公”左“私”的入户动线更为明晰贯通。公共活动空间的窗户全都更换成无阻视野的落地玻璃,光线可如潮水般涌入,江景也可一览无余。弱化内外的边界,让风景延伸成为空间的一部分。为了能饱有足够的自然光和更敞开的空间,客厅和主卧室的露台滑门也都做了拆除。不同于入户更改后的平铺直叙,主卧室的进入则调整得更为婉转,在原始狭长的过道增设了一个步入式衣帽间,一个简单的“转折”保证了主卧室的私隐也增添了实用性。 白色墙面和线条勾勒,中性而轻简的表达,让空间的巧思细节更为突出,墙面和餐桌呼应的大理石纹路,层层递进。亮白色木作与黑色人字形木地板形成反差,视觉冲突让空间更具戏剧元素。无论是空间基底还是陈设,都给人以时髦且实用的触感,同时也让设计融于空间,融于生活。
Renovated as pied-à-terre for a young family often traveling, this apartment explored how an unremarkable space can be stripped down to a minimalistic and modern interior, which brings warmth and light into the home and a sense of openness. The tension and dialogue that follows amongst environment and space and family form the hallmark of the renovation. Functionally, the apartment is divided into two zones — a spacious public one with a living room, a kitchen, a dining area and a study; and a private area with a master room, a child’s room, a den and a guest suite. A few minor changes were added to the layout. Originally, the entrance had been blocked by a row of cabinets, instead we opened the original hallway by removing the partition cabinet and enclosing the front access of the study with the wall, in order to form a seamless transition from one area to another. For the residents’ comfort, the storage cabinet was added on the right of the entrance. In living area, the changed full-length glass façade can be opened completely and not only floods the home with gorgeous light, but also maximizes the views to the city and Xiang River beyond. The landscape becomes an extension of the built environment to really embrace an indoor and outdoor lifestyle. For uncompromising to visual access and any natural light, the balcony sliding doors both in the living area and the master room were cancelled. The most surprising improvement was made to the master room, which previously has a long non-functional space entering the master bedroom. A walk-in wardrobe insertion acts a buffer between spaces. A neutral color and lightly rendered surface allow for a minimalistic and modern aesthetic, whilst highlighting aspects from this apartment, like veiny marble on the wall or on the base of breakfast island which are all in nod to the texture of the spectacular marble table in the core of the common area. Bright white joinery contrasts delicately with the black herringbone flooring pattern. These pieces brought a distinctly modern-yet-practical touch to the home while remaining in harmony with the environment and new design elements.