W branch of Xi’an of Shanghai Yen
  • 城市 : 西安   City : Xi‘An
  • 面积 : 567平方米   Area : 567sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2022-04-01    Completion Date : 2022-04-01
  • 设计师 : 吴为   Designer : Wu Wei
  • 摄影 : 郑焰   Photographer : Zheng Yan
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : IN.X屋里门外设计   Official Name : Beijing IN•X Design Co., Ltd.
  • 官网/公众号 : www.inxid.com
W branch of Xi’an of Shanghai Yen  上海宴西安W店
吴为在设计的开始时提出这个问题,上海宴作为一个“异乡人”,无论入乡随俗还是保持个性似乎都有落脚点,但最优解往往只有一个。 将上海宴的品牌基因层层展开,菜系脉络地传承发展跌宕起伏,虽远不及一座十三朝古都无数次浴火重生的壮阔,却也在传承变迁的层面可以对照。在一致的步调下,上海宴所代表的时尚、前卫、生机又恰好浸入西安的隆重、古朴和壮阔里,让看似位于两极的元素发生化学反应,中和出美妙的新物质。 在寸土寸金的W酒店商业区内,上海宴空间总面积567平米,铜色招牌掩映在垂首的迎客松身后,由门进入,西安城巍然古朴的一页翻过,上海宴基因中的现代感开始主宰空间。
Wu proposed the question in the initial phase of design. As an outsider, Shanghai Yen could go for both local or unique, but there’s only one correct answer. We unravel the essence of Shanghai Yen, and connects its cuisine with the past. Despite it might not conquer the grandness of the ancient city, we still could compare them during transitory period. The trend and innovation of Yen blends with the age and scope of Xi’an. The seemingly opposite factors generate a spark, and create a beautiful new result. In the business area of W Hotel, Shanghai Yen occupies 567 square meter. Its bronze signboard shines up the incoming guests who enter through the gates. The modern sense of Shanghai Yen has dominated the scenery.