There are before · cut cooking fusion cooking
  • 城市 : 中国 浙江 温州   City : Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
  • 面积 : 188㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-02    Completion Date : 2021-12-02
  • 设计师 : 夏红、砚南、纪建鑫   Designer : Xia Hong, Yannan, Ji Jianxin
  • 摄影 : 瀚墨视觉-张家宁   Photographer : Hanmo Vision-Zhang Jianing
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 拾一空间设计   Official Name : Pick up a space design
  • 官网/公众号 : 拾一设计   Website/Official Accounts : Pick one design
There are before · cut cooking fusion cooking  有前·割烹融合料理
本案位于温州一处住宅区,前有热闹繁华的商业中心,后靠林立的高楼,人际纷扰,熙熙攘攘。在这城市属性强烈的氛围里,寻找一处避世,是设计的有为之处。料理是生活的艺术,而空间承载着生活。日式料理之美的特点,在于日式美学上那抹“闲寂”的静谧之美。设计师从院落中便开始造景,试图构建一条“渐入佳境”的路。沿院落中,零散分落的石头为引,步步踏入,微光纷至沓来,光与影为幽暗而静谧的空间提供动态的景。中式庭院,或是宏大壮丽,或是婉约细腻。而日式则不同,寻求枯山水的侘寂之感,专于探寻生命的生与灭,境遇的起与落,欣赏自然的凋零之美。「有前」是Omakase日本料理。设计师在保留了日式元素的同时,并阐述新时代日式文化的表达。料理是空间的艺术,因此将一层的空间全部留给板前,作为日本料理的经典,更好的展现割烹文化,更加清楚地解释了对于料理的情感。天花吊顶由橡木格栅层层递进,加强纵深感,开启视觉延展。只在必要的地方降下光,一种整体感的光线被置于上方而且不能够太强烈,如此才能够体现出板前师傅身体上动人的细节。「有」 取自鲔鱼的鲔,鲔鱼的高品质是一家好店的重要标准。「前」 取自江户料理,特点是当场采用新鲜食材制作食物。故取名有前,寓意用最好的食材,给食客呈现极致美味。开篇是洞若观火,门户渐开。末尾是光影重重,寂寥安谧。一如这悲欢离合的人世间;因为有分离,才显得重逢弥足珍贵。
The case is located in a residential area in Wenzhou, before a bustling commercial center, back by the forest of tall buildings, interpersonal disturbance, bustling. In this strong atmosphere of urban attributes, finding a place to avoid the world, is the promising design. Cuisine is the art of life, and space carries life. The beauty of Japanese cuisine is characterized by the quiet beauty of "quiet" on Japanese aesthetics. From the designer began to create the courtyard, trying to build a "better" road. Along the courtyard, the scattered stones lead in, step by step, the faint light is pouring in, and the light and shadow provide a dynamic scene for the dark and quiet space. The Chinese courtyard, or grand and magnificent, or graceful and delicate. Japanese, on the other hand, seeks the sense of wabi-sabi in the dry landscape, specializing in exploring the birth and destruction of life, the rise and fall of circumstances, and appreciating the fading beauty of nature."Qian" is Omakase Japanese cuisine. While retaining the Japanese elements, the designer also elaborated on the expression of the Japanese culture in the new era. Cuisine is the art of space, so all the space of one layer is left in front of the board. As a classic of Japanese cuisine, it better shows the culture of cutting and cooking, and more clearly explains the emotion for cuisine. The ceiling is progressive by the oak grille, to strengthen the sense of depth, and open the visual extension. Only in the necessary place to drop the light, a holistic sense of the light is placed above and can not be too strong, so as to reflect the moving details of the board before the master's body."Have" tuna from tuna, high quality is an important standard for a good shop. The "front" is taken from Edo cuisine, characterized by fresh ingredients made on the spot. Therefore, the name has before, meaning with the best ingredients, to diners to present the ultimate delicious. The beginning is through the fire, the door gradually open. At the end is the heavy light and shadow, lonely and quiet. Like this world of joys and sorrows; because of separation, reunion is precious.