JOYCE beauty
JOYCE beauty
  • 城市 : 中国上海   City : Shanghai, China
  • 面积 : 260平方米   Area : 260sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2022-09-07    Completion Date : 2022-09-07
  • 设计师 : Wendy Saunders,Vincent de Graaf
  • 摄影 : Wen Studio
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : AIM ARCHITECTURE 恺慕建筑设计   Official Name : AIM ARCHITECTURE
  • 官网/公众号 :
JOYCE beauty  JOYCE beauty
Joyce beauty作为国内高端美妆界的权威及先锋,首家线下店铺设计于品牌形象一脉相承。AIM通过建筑手法呈现室内,以石材雕刻出空间,打造充满探索性的体验,品牌之美在探索中徐徐展开。 金蛋,在探索旅程的入口处,含有寻宝之意,整体也如同一个巨型的静态雕塑,引入入胜。 由体块中开凿出空间,犹如挖掘后的山体。白色微水泥塑造出立面无边、连贯的整体感,如同一层柔软的面纱,真实的美半掩在这层中性色调下,逐渐显露出内在丰富的层次。 内在包裹的红色大理石自然且真实,与外层形成鲜明对比。红色石材创造出体量不一的进退层次,兼具观赏性和陈列功能,步入其中,别有洞天。黄铜及镜面元素的点缀也给红色大理石增添了别致及层次。 无边且连贯的弧线柔和了鲜艳且沉重的大理石红,形成完美的平衡。丰富的层次增强了小空间的体验感,引导客人主动地发现和探索。 一切,都在视觉及触感上达到平衡和精确之美。
A well-established brand in the fashion world and now a pioneer in the beauty industry, the new Joyce beauty store aims to connect its legacy with a visionary and well-curated voice. Taking an architectural approach to its interior, the space is carved out of a white stone mass, creating a continuous curved surface. It opens a route for exploration that carefully unveils its natural beauty and exposes multiple layers of an intricate inner organic world. One of the main features, a powerful brass sculpture, is the first step on the customer’s journey. This golden egg offers a unique display setting as if it were a treasure trove hiding precious goods inside. The fluidity of the curved space softens the harshness of the materials chosen; the route is authoritative but intimate and warm, guiding the customer’s own path through a showcase of carefully displayed items. The red stone, natural and honest, add depth to the overall space. The richness of the material and unique scenes in which the products are displayed, reflect the brand’s own journey of exploration. The use of round and powerful display objects adds another layer to the spatial experience. Carefully illuminated water basins built with raw white cement and the red stone, combined with brass lighting and mirrored display structures, add a delicate complexity to the overall well-balanced composition.