uuuup Multi-Brand Fashion Boutique (Flagship Store)
uuuup时装买手店 恒隆旗舰店
  • 城市 : 云南省昆明市 恒隆旗舰店   City : Kunming, Yunnan Province Kunming Spring City66 Ma
  • 面积 : 230平方   Area : 230sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-02    Completion Date : 2021-06-02
  • 设计师 : 崔剑巍   Designer : Cui Jianwei
  • 摄影 : travis Zhang   Photographer : Travis Zhang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : Whart up 我打破公司   Official Name : Whart up
  • 官网/公众号 : 更新中   Website/Official Accounts : in-progress
uuuup Multi-Brand Fashion Boutique (Flagship Store)  uuuup时装买手店 恒隆旗舰店
spring city66 作为昆明最受瞩目的mall,2021年6月,uuuup被官方邀请入驻位于二层的显著位置。 与park1903mall的街区式商业生态不同,昆明spring city66 集合了全球顶级奢侈品品牌,同时拥有昆明最具消费力的会员量级。whart up为匹配spring city66 的客群与定位,构建了uuuup“巴黎时装周秀场”叙事空间,让vip仿佛置身于时尚发布秀现场,以传达出uuuup所甄选的全球独立时装设计师商品的时尚新鲜度。 将纵向空间分为秀道与观演席两部分空间。开阔的秀道动线贯穿了形象展示、到店接待、vip服务及销售工作流,为高效的管理及用人成本作出考量。梯状观演席被置换成商品成衣陈列区,在精心计算的陈列模式和人货尺度中,客人穿梭其中,既保留了客人的相对私密感,又能在穿梭的动线里满足淘货的乐趣。 同样,在前置区释放的艺术展览空间里,whart up主理人、艺术家崔剑巍先生创作了回应空间主题叙事的仿生交互装置作品《2033》,通过有趣的人机交互,表达出uuuup品牌对元宇宙时装未来的态度与思考。 在店铺品牌logo的应用中,为了增加“时装秀场”的叙事感,whart up将uuuup的“u”字母无限加长,以表达时装秀模特鱼贯而出的谢幕感。
The Spring City66 Mall is one of the most anticipated shopping malls in Kunming. In June 2021, uuuup was invited to set up a store on the second floor with prominent visibility. Different from park1903mall which is an open-concept park mall, Spring City66 boasts a selection of leading luxury brands and a membership pool with the most spending power in the city. To match up with the clientele of spring city66, whart up builds up a narrative space featuring “Paris Fashion Week” for uuuup, recreating the scene of a fashion show in the store. Walking within such a space, customers would feel as if they were attending a fashion show. It demonstrates uuuup’s fashion attitude: to select the best of the best from independent fashion designers from around the world. The space is vertically divided into two parts: runway and seats area. An open vision runs through the whole space from display, in-store reception to the sales workflow, laying a good foundation for efficient management and manpower. The auditorium area is designed as display area of ready-to-wears. The carefully-designed display patterns and people-product ratio make sure customers could enjoy both privacy and the fun of shopping as well as the pleasure of discovering something novel. In the gallery space at the front, artist Cui Jianwei, founder of whart up, presents an interactive and bionic installation 2033 echoing the theme of the narrative of the space. Through the intriguing interaction between man and machine, it casts light on uuuup’s vision of fashion in the era of metaverse. To enhance the narrative of a “fashion show”, whart up extends the letter “u” in uuuup logo in an infinite manner, reminiscent of the closing scene of a runway show when all models coming out to the catwalk.