uuuup33 Multi-Brand Fashion Boutique (Flagship Store)
uuuup33时装买手店 泸西旗舰店
  • 城市 : 云南省泸西市 泸西锦辉商业中心 步行街   City : Luxi, Yunnan Province Luxi Jinhui Business Cente
  • 面积 : 260平方   Area : 260sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2021-11-19    Completion Date : 2021-11-19
  • 设计师 : 崔剑巍   Designer : Cui jianwei
  • 摄影 : Travis Zhang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : Whart up 我打破公司   Official Name : Whart up
  • 官网/公众号 : 更新中   Website/Official Accounts : in-progress
uuuup33 Multi-Brand Fashion Boutique (Flagship Store)  uuuup33时装买手店 泸西旗舰店
作为uuuup品牌顶层战略顾问,whart up将uuuup定位为超一线重点城市,同时孵化出uuuup33子品牌,以下沉到中国2-3线市场,配合整体的资本战略规划。 泸西uuuup33时装买手店叙事主题,来自于当地著名的景观“阿庐古洞”。其以地下喀斯特地貌及巨大的钟乳石而闻名,是亚洲最壮观的天然溶洞穴之一。泸西uuuup33时装买手店位于当地著名步行街,whart up将原建筑三层改造成5米挑高的二层,以释放更好的空间能量。 店铺立面以现代感的抽象钟乳石装置贯穿一至二层,形成强烈的店铺记忆,并将二层锥形空间设计为临窗试衣间。内建筑感楼梯被设计在店铺中间,将空间切割为前后两个功能区,形成全新的产品陈列节奏及购物层次。楼梯作为第三空间,将静态展览及茶歇、酒廊融入其中,以帮助二层引流并让vip获得攀爬乐趣。结合在地消费文化与特点,uuuup33更在二层店内增设了造型、美妆等生活美学服务空间。
As the top-down design strategic consultant of uuuup, whart up positions uuuup as a super first-tier-city brand and incubates a sub-brand uuuup33, targeting at the second- and third-tier cities in line with the overall capital strategic planning. The narrative of uuuup33 in Luxi draws inspiration from Alu Karst Cave, a famous local scenic spot. Being one of the largest natural karst caves in Asia, Alu Karst Cave is known for its underground karst landscape and magnificent stalactites. Luxi uuuup33 is located on the most prosperous pedestrian street in the city. whart up transformed the original three-storey space into a two-storey space with a height of 5 meters to ignite more energy of the space. The façade of the store features an abstract imagery of stalactite that connects through the two storeys, leading to a strong visual memory of the store. The top level with pitched roof is designed as a fitting room by the window. An artistic stair divides the space into two functions, creating a new rhythm for product display and shopping experience. As an alternative third space of the store, the stair plays the role as a mixture space of exhibition, tea break and lounge, igniting people’s interest to walk up to the second floor. Taking the characteristics of local consumer culture into consideration, uuuup33 also set up a lifestyle aesthetics space on the second floor to offer styling and makeup services.