The Lost Garden
  • 城市 : 杭州    City : Hangzhou
  • 面积 : 325㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-31    Completion Date : 2021-12-31
  • 设计师 : 朱啸尘   Designer : Eason Zhu
  • 摄影 : 奥观建筑视觉   Photographer : AOGVISION
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 泛域设计   Official Name : Fununit Design
  • 官网/公众号 :
The Lost Garden  迷失的园林
苏州的园林是诗人、文人、画家做出来的,他们把做园当成是作画作诗一样。可是现在那样的人才几乎没有了,我也不是这种人才,可是我还想要试一试。 ——贝聿铭 此案是为中式红木家具品牌展厅设计外立面空间,红木家具经过明清两朝的发展与积淀,形成举世闻名的明式和清式红木家具,并且跟地域文化相互融合形成各地特色和流派,成为我国传统的名优器物流传至今。遗留的大量 古典红木家具即明式红木家具和清式红木家具,形成比较固定的家具模式、种类、工艺与做法,并且深入人心。 对于我们这代80,90后的设计师,其实对中国传统文化已经相对比较模糊,更准确的说应该是迷失的状态,在学习西方艺术与文化的过程中,慢慢的发觉中国的文化才是我们这代设计师的核心竞争力,当然如何中西融合才能得到更好的答案。 Mies Van Der Rohe提出的“Less is More”与荀子所说的“重己役物”,竟然是统一的观点传递。万物合一,天人合一,不论是新与旧,中与西。人们最终追求的本质都是一致的。 中己役物,以人为本。也正是此家具品牌的核心所在。 设计过程中,我们提取出园林最基础的六个模块:山,水,植物,亭,窗洞,桥廊并选取可以同时表达以上基本元素的几种材料,搭配组合成新的形式。用东方的元素语言结合西方的手法呈现当代年轻设计理解的园林。这是一个充满想象力的品牌展示空间,是一个触发灵感的展示空间。我们的目的是让年轻一代的消费者看到明式家具的更多可能性并体会到品牌对未来多元化的探索。 我们希望通过此案表达对东方文化新的理解,唤醒血液中的传统基因,并且通过对西方知识的学习,从而更好的表达当代年轻人对传统的理解和自我多样的表达方式与观点。这或许是一种探索,一种呐喊,一种试错,也可能是新的一次迷失。
The gardens of Suzhou were created by poets, literati, and painters, who treated them as paintings and poems. But now there are almost no such talent, I am not such a talent, but I still want to have a try. ——Leoh Ming Pei This case is for the design of the facade space of Chinese style mahogany furniture brand exhibition hall, through the development and accumulation of Ming and Qing dynasties, the mahogany furniture is formed worldwide famous Ming and Qing type mahogany furniture, and with regional culture integration to form local characteristics and schools, become China's traditional famous utensils spread to the present. The LARGE NUMBER OF CLASSICAL MAHOGANY FURNITURE THAT LEFT IS BRIGHT TYPE MAHOGANY FURNITURE AND CLEAR TYPE MAHOGANY FURNITURE, FORM MORE FIXED FURNITURE PATTERN, KIND, CRAFT AND PRACTICE, AND THOROUGH POPULAR FEELING. For our generation of designers, after 80, living in Chinese traditional culture has relatively fuzzy, more precisely, should be lost, in the process of learning the western art and culture, and slowly found that Chinese culture is our core competitiveness of the generation of designers, how to integration of Chinese and western, of course, to get a better answer. The "Less is More" proposed by Mies Van Der Rohe and the "valuing one's servings" proposed by Xunzi are unified transmission of views. All things are one, nature and man are one, whether new or old, middle, or west. The essence of what people ultimately seek is the same. In the service of things, people oriented. It is also the core of this furniture brand. In the design process, we extracted the six basic modules of the garden: mountain, water, plants, pavilion, window, bridge, and corridor, and selected several materials that can express the above basic elements at the same time, and then combined them into a new form. With the Oriental element language combined with the Western approach to present the contemporary young design understanding of the garden. This is an imaginative brand display space, a display space that triggers inspiration. Our PURPOSE is to let the young generation of consumers see more possibilities of Ming style furniture and experience the brand's exploration of future diversification. We hope to express a new understanding of Eastern culture through this case, to awaken the traditional genes in the blood, and through the study of western knowledge, to better express the contemporary young people's understanding of traditional and self-diverse ways of expression and views. This may be a kind of exploration, a kind of Shouting, a kind of trial and error, may also be a new lost.