Chang'An Izakaya
敬·长安 烧鸟居酒屋
  • 城市 : 西安   City : Xi'An
  • 面积 : 200㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-08    Completion Date : 2021-12-08
  • 设计师 : 李天骏   Designer : Jay Lee
  • 摄影 : 彦铭摄影工作室   Photographer : Yanming Photogaphy
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : MOD穆德设计   Official Name : MOD Service Design
  • 官网/公众号 : MOD穆德设计
Chang'An Izakaya  敬·长安 烧鸟居酒屋
长安与京都,自唐朝时期起便延续千年的渊源,日本对于唐文化的向往,以朗诵传播唐诗为荣,以长安风雅为尚。敬·長安沿着历史的足迹,包纳了人类历史对先进文化的崇尚和敬意,以精美日料致敬长安:帝王城·繁华下·世间烟火食。MOD穆德设计以一贯不拘一格的设计理念,强化人在空间中的主体地位,以简洁纯净的空间表现,艺术化的表达当下都市生活格调,在这间不到两百平的餐厅里打造一个充满匠心品质,沉浸式的空间。 整体的餐厅空间氛围诠释了日本侘寂美学,沉稳而安静。餐厅墙面采用了西北特有的夯土制作层次纹理墙面,为素雅的空间带来丰富的层次和趣味。锦鲤在中国和日本的文化符号里都有着幸运与祝福的吉祥之意,入口的鲤鱼灯散发着糅合的金色光芒,灵动充满活力的形态吸引顾客顿足入内。榻榻米上方的上方的艺术装饰的灵感来自日本三大主流花道之一草月流,动态感竹带交织于横梁间,气势蓬勃生气盎然。设计师希望打造一间顾客能抛开外在世界的疲惫与无力,在此体验身心的交托与放松的餐厅。
Chang’An, an ancient capital city during the Tang Dynasty, its culture has influenced Kyoto, Japan since then. CHANG’AN IZAKAYA is a Japanese izakaya restaurant locating in Chang’An, which is nowadays known as Xi’An, China. Due to the significance of the restaurant and its location, MOD Service Design decided to integrate Chinese and Japanese cultures into the interior design of the restaurant. It was designed in Japanese Wabi-sabi style, using materials from the local area, such as rammed earth, to construct the walls. Wooden finish merges with earth walls, constructing a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Decorative Koi fish lamps installed at the entrance, emitting warm light, it represents good luck in both China and Japan. Above the tatami area, bamboo strips tangle around wooden beams, the installation was inspired by Japanese Ikebana. The restaurant was designed to be a place where customers can come in and forget about all the stress, simply enjoy the cuisine in this relaxing environment.