• 城市 : 江苏南京   City : Nanjing, China
  • 面积 : 298平   Area : 298square meters
  • 完成日期 : 2023-01-01    Completion Date : 2023-01-01
  • 设计师 : 魏舒怡   Designer : Suzy WEI
  • 摄影 : WM STUDIO
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 南京由見设计   Official Name : ACHIEVE WISH Design Studio
  • 官网/公众号 : ACHIEVE WISH 由見设计   Website/Official Accounts : ACHIEVE WISH
凭借上百年在厨具领域的专业经验、德国工匠精神,以及对高品质的执著追求,同时致力对产品的不断创新和设计,测试与完善,宜施乐的厨具让厨房工作轻巧简单也充满乐趣,颠覆传统印象,唤起你对厨房和烹饪的热情。 别出心裁的将展厅入户打造成内置的“隧道”,带来强烈且有趣的仪式感;内嵌灯带不仅增加展厅环境层次感,也丰富了光氛围,让空间看起来流畅且轻盈; 在设计上,采用“包裹”和“神秘”的造型呈现方式,勾起墙外人欲窥探而无法满足的悸动,又保证墙内人将聚焦点完整留给产品。
With hundreds of years of professional experience in the field of kitchen utensils, the spirit of German craftsman, and the persistent pursuit of high quality, as well as the continuous innovation and design, testing and improvement of products, the kitchen utensils of Xerox make the kitchen work light, simple and full of fun, subvert the traditional impression, and arouse your enthusiasm for kitchen and cooking. The exhibition hall will be built into a built-in "tunnel", bringing a strong and interesting sense of ceremony; The embedded light belt not only increases the layering of the exhibition hall environment, but also enriches the light atmosphere, making the space look smooth and light; In terms of design, the "package" and "mystery" modeling presentation methods are used to evoke the palpitation of people outside the wall who want to pry but cannot be satisfied, and to ensure that people inside the wall will leave the focus to the product completely.