Tang Yuan Onsen
  • 城市 : 杭州   City : hangzhou
  • 面积 : 20000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-10-19    Completion Date : 2022-10-19
  • 设计师 : 王兵   Designer : wangbing
  • 摄影 : 明泽 谭小中   Photographer : mingze tanxiaozhong
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 北京对角线设计   Official Name : DJX Design
  • 官网/公众号 : https://www.duijiaoxian.net/content/cn/index.html
Tang Yuan Onsen  汤源温泉
北京对角线设计︱杭州汤源:八万立方微度假综合体 依循“室内空间化,空间艺术化”的创作主旨进行场所重塑,对角线设计将空间整体打造为8万立方的艺术品。在这里,城市短暂地不再粗粝,留出柔软的一方净土,似百川之水溢出空间的界限,大海温柔俯身,为所有在水泥森林中受过磋磨的心灵洗却凡尘。 项目并非传统的室内设计,灵动的曲线造型跳脱外在的形式化和结构化,打破了边界,完美地演绎着建筑与艺术的关联。与此同时,形体的多种组合也传达了持续性、神秘的迷失感,配合着光线的交错与重叠,辅以高光泽度材质模糊了动态视觉对边界的定义。它的复杂性也寓言着空间中安静而优雅的氛围,意图让人们在虚实相间的影像中发现另一个世界。
Tang Yuan Onsen by DJX Design Based on the concept of "spatialized interior, artistic space", the design team conceived the overall space as an 80,000-cubic-meter artwork, which provides a "pure" leisure destination in the urban setting. The project adopted innovative interior design strategies. Graceful curves are brought into the space to break the boundary, and to subtly build a connection between architecture and art. Various shapes are combined in different ways, to produce a continuous, mysterious experience, and to obscure the spatial boundary together with the overlapping lights and glossy material textures. The complexity of forms results in a tranquil, elegant spatial atmosphere, which brings the customers into another world that fuses the real with the virtual.