  • 城市 : 淄博   City : Zibo
  • 面积 : 266㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2024-01-26    Completion Date : 2024-01-26
  • 设计师 : 王义兵   Designer : Yibing Wang
  • 摄影 : 隐像筑影   Photographer : YinXiangZhuYing
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 淄博八零原创设计   Official Name : Balingyuanchuang Design
  • 官网/公众号 : 淄博八零原创设计   Website/Official Accounts : Balingyuanchuang Design
Infinite  《无限》-八零原创DESIGN
这所房子,是一家三口居住品质升级之所,男女主人经营自家企业,女儿正值学龄,他们希望自己的家是舒适、松弛的,不需要过多赘述繁华,彰显锋芒,只要向内观己,让居住迎合内心感受。 空间中的立面造型元素,如云如海如山,自如自由自在 ,也体现了空间“优雅”的主题 。玄关墙圆形的墙面装饰,日月同辉。灵感源自于男主人名“曦”字,取其意,绘其形,在这云海中央做家人的太阳,照亮生活前进的方向。端景台是洞石岩板材质,洞石属于陆相沉积岩,它有优雅舒展的纹理,象征着主人谦逊的美好品格,代表着日积月累的财富和幸福。 留一些空间给眼睛,让心灵自由去想象。影视墙与顶面灯带平行,巧妙的使用镜面,形成了视觉上的无限、延伸。 连绵起伏的山峦造型墙板,没有很具象的形式 没有很强烈的表达,但却将这个空间装饰的更加美好。 姓氏 是最明显且尊贵的家族符号。取男女主人姓氏字母中D、B的弧面与线条元素,运用在家中的转角线条,摆件造型,成为家印记。 空间布局并没有采取传统布局,客厅的布局我们将主沙发面向了开间特别大的窗户。卧室床头的方向我们也调向了窗户。因为我觉得眼睛是心灵的窗户,窗户是房子的眼睛。我们不应该只站在远处欣赏她的双眸,更要贴近去看到 她的眼睛里 有着更美的风景。 用我们的设计 去拉近人与人之间 人与自然之间的距离,使人的生活 更亲密 更快乐。我想这是我们做设计最大的价值。
This house is a place for upgrading the living quality of a family of three. The male and female owners run their own businesses, and their daughter is of school age. They hope that their home is comfortable and relaxed, without the need to elaborate too much on the hustle and bustle, showcasing their sharpness. They just need to look inward and make the living conform to their inner feelings. The facade elements in the space, like clouds like the sea and mountains, are free and easy, reflecting the theme of "elegance" in the space. The circular wall decoration of the entrance hall, with the sun and moon shining together. The inspiration comes from the male protagonist's name "Xi", taking its meaning, painting its shape, and being the sun of the family in the center of this sea of clouds, illuminating the direction of life's progress. Duanjingtai is made of cave stone slab material, which belongs to terrestrial sedimentary rocks. It has elegant and stretching textures, symbolizing the owner's humble and beautiful character, representing accumulated wealth and happiness over time. Leave some space for the eyes and allow the mind to freely imagine. The film and television wall is parallel to the top light strip, cleverly using mirrors to create a visual infinity and extension. The undulating mountain shaped wall panels do not have a very concrete form or strong expression, but they decorate this space even more beautifully. Surname is the most prominent and prestigious family symbol. Take the curved and linear elements of D and B from the surnames of the male and female owners, apply them to the corner lines and decorative shapes in the home, and create a home imprint. The spatial layout did not adopt the traditional layout. In the living room, we placed the main sofa facing the particularly large window. We have also adjusted the direction of the bedroom headboard towards the window. Because I believe that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and the windows are the eyes of the house. We should not only stand in the distance admiring her eyes, but also get closer to see the more beautiful scenery in her eyes. Using our design to bridge the gap between people and nature, making people's lives closer and happier. I think this is the greatest value of our design.