Shanghai Huaihai Middle Road Old Townhouse Renovation Project
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 70㎡+30㎡院子   Area : 70㎡ indoor+30㎡ yard
  • 完成日期 : 2021-02-14    Completion Date : 2021-02-14
  • 设计师 : 张通   Designer : Zhang Tong
  • 摄影 : 吕晓斌   Photographer : Lv Xiaobin
  • 官网/公众号 : 桐话空间   Website/Official Accounts : Tong hua kong jian
Shanghai Huaihai Middle Road Old Townhouse Renovation Project  上海淮海中路老洋房改造项目
项目为上海市中心的一栋老洋房,始建于1936年,为三层砖木结构,本案位于一层,室内建筑面积约为70平,带30平的独立花园,原始层高3.5米。 业主为一对母女,曾经去海外定居过,住过大平层、别墅,最终还是回到妈妈的出生地——老洋房。她们平时喜欢阅读写作、烹饪、以及花草。虽然母女俩共处一室,但是还是希望有各自独立的空间。风格上偏好简单舒适,带些禅意的自然风格。 设计围绕母女俩的生活习性展开,将原先的一室一厅一卫,改造成两室两厅两卫。各自拥有独立的卧室以及卫生间,除此之外利用每一寸空间做足储物,室内足有近50m³的储物空间。另外,由于一楼带花园的特殊性,所以设计之初就把花园作为设计核心,充分考虑室内外的关系,以及人与自然间的关系,创造出一套简约大气且舒适的自然之宅。
The project is an old house in the center of Shanghai, built in 1936, with a three-story brick structure. This case is located on the first floor, with an indoor floor area of about 70 square meters, with a 30 square meter independent garden, and an original floor height of 3.5 meters. The owners are a mother and daughter, who once went to settle overseas, lived in large flat and villa, but finally returned to the old house, the birthplace of their mother. They usually enjoy reading and writing, cooking, and flowers and plants. Although mother and daughter share a room, they still want to have their own separate space. The style prefers a simple, comfortable and natural style with a touch of Zen. The design revolves around the living habits of mother and daughter, transforming the original one bedroom and one bathroom into two bedrooms, two bathrooms and two bathrooms. Each of them has their own bedroom and bathroom, in addition to making use of every inch of space for storage, there is nearly 50m³ of storage space inside. In addition, because of the special feature of the garden on the first floor, the garden was taken as the core of the design, and the relationship between indoor and outdoor, as well as the relationship between people and nature, was fully considered to create a simple, atmospheric and comfortable natural house.