• 城市 : 浙江   City : Zhejiang
  • 面积 : 200㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2024-01-01    Completion Date : 2024-01-01
  • 设计师 : 费崎峰   Designer : Fitch
  • 摄影 : 郑昊   Photographer : Howie
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : FF DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 : FF空间设计   Website/Official Accounts :
这家咖啡店占地200㎡,以未来感和极简主义为设计主线。圆形元素贯穿整个空间,从店门延伸至内部,形成时空流动的视觉效果。店门采用圆形与落地玻璃的组合,带来悬浮感和强烈吸引力,外立面的半圆弧设计优雅且富有艺术气息,两侧的镜面进一步扩展了空间感。 店内不同区域采用不同材质搭配,操作区和卡座区的白银色金属反射光线,强调了未来感,而座位区的深色金属背景墙提升了空间质感。大面积的落地玻璃使空间通透,中央抬高的卡座区保持了视线的流畅。阅读区的木色调营造温暖氛围,整面书墙为顾客提供了阅读与放松的场所。最深处的黑色茶室在灯膜的点亮下,营造出静谧、质感满分的空间。 通过未来感与极简风格的碰撞,这家咖啡店打造了一个既具有视觉冲击力又舒适放松的空间。
This 200㎡ coffee shop features a futuristic and minimalist design. Circular elements run throughout the space, from the entrance to the interior, creating a flowing, time-tunnel-like visual effect. The entrance combines a circular door with floor-to-ceiling glass, evoking a floating sensation and drawing attention, while the semi-circular façade is elegant and artistic. Mirrored walls on both sides further extend the sense of space. Different materials define the various areas inside. The silver tones in the operation and booth areas reflect light, enhancing the futuristic vibe, while the dark metallic background in the seating area adds a sense of depth. Large floor-to-ceiling windows make the space feel open, and the elevated central booth area ensures visual continuity. The wood tones in the reading area create a warm atmosphere, with an entire wall of books offering a place for relaxation. At the farthest point, a black tea room, illuminated by light panels, creates a tranquil and highly textured space. Through the collision of futurism and minimalism, this coffee shop achieves a balance between visual impact and comfort.