Y House
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 37.5㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2024-05-20    Completion Date : 2024-05-20
  • 设计师 : 马志成   Designer : Ma Zhicheng
  • 摄影 : 金伟琦   Photographer : Jin Weiqi
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 马志成   Official Name : Ma Zhicheng
  • 官网/公众号 : mazhicheng0207
Y House  Y住宅
这次要改造的是一个北京城东的微型公寓住宅,套内面积只有30余平米。希望通过本次改造,在有限的空间面积下,保持松弛的空间尺度的同时,营造囊括起居,休息,家政,阅读等等生活所需全部功能的集合空间。同时也希望对方案的落地实践,为同样生活状态下,同样尺度下的空间改造提供一些相对普适性的参考价值。 改造第一步,先拆除了空间的非承重墙体,重新归置空间的实用性功能,在空间中置入一个方形的木制体块,用空间划分空间,把客厅、家政及洗手间、卧室妥善的分割。 置入的空间也营造出了两条联通卧室与起居的走廊,可以让光、空气与生活自由流动。为了进一步整合功能所体现的形式,让木制体块不那么沉闷,因此设计新置入一个结构,将沙发、木制体块以及卧室“托举”起来,营造“轻盈、漂浮”的视觉感受和流动的空间。
This renovation project focuses on a micro-apartment located in the east of Beijing, with an interior area of just over 30 square meters. The aim of this renovation is to maintain a relaxed spatial scale within the limited area while creating a space that encompasses all the necessary functions of socializing, living, resting, housekeeping, reading, and more. Additionally, the intention is for the practical implementation of this design to provide a reference value that is relatively universal for spaces of similar scale and lifestyle. The first step of the renovation involved removing non-load-bearing walls to reorganize the space's functional utility. A square wooden block was introduced into the space to divide and separate the living room, housekeeping area, bathroom, and bedroom effectively. This wooden block also created two corridors connecting the bedroom and living area, allowing light, air, and life to flow freely. To further integrate form with function, a new structure was added to lift the sofa, wooden block, and bedroom, creating a visually light and floating sensation.