Tiana Cake Factory shop
Tiana Cake 工厂店
  • 城市 : 太原   City : Taiyuan
  • 面积 : 1500平方米   Area : 1500 sq.m.
  • 完成日期 : 2023-12-18    Completion Date : 2023-12-18
  • 设计师 : 韩磊   Designer : Han Lei
  • 摄影 : 吴鉴泉   Photographer : Wu Jianquan
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 上海至所装饰设计工程有限公司 ( HOOOLD设计事务所)   Official Name : HOOOLD
  • 官网/公众号 : HOOOLD   Website/Official Accounts : HOOOLD
Tiana Cake Factory shop  Tiana Cake 工厂店
“烘焙是将简单的原材料变成令人陶醉的香气和味道的魔法。” Tiana Cake项目的核心目标,是将一片被岁月遗忘的办公废墟,转变为一个高效的烘焙工厂。在这场创意的旅程中,团队面对双重挑战:如何在局促的空间里,巧妙地融合制作与品尝,打破甜品诞生的等待与享用的传统桎梏;又如何激发顾客在烘焙空间的探索欲望,让每一寸空间都跃动着活力的韵律。 通过重新构建产品结构并结合核心甜品,设计意图将所面临的挑战转化为机遇。我们剥离了空间的旧衣,让混凝土的肌肤与金属的骨架裸露,赋予空间以岁月的肌理。使空间感知发生了显著变化,呈现出时光沉淀的多样化痕迹。我们追求的,是一种超越设计的自然之美,让空间在静谧中诉说着它的过往。我们轻柔地抚平钢结构的粗犷,保留其顶面的原始风貌与钢立柱的坚韧之美,营造出一个既自然又开阔的视野。这不仅是对时间印记的致敬,也是对未来商业体验的深思熟虑的布局。在这里,每一次呼吸都弥漫着灵感,每一次目光的流转都能遇见故事。
Baking is the magic that transforms simple ingredients into intoxicating aromas and flavors. The core objective of the .Tiana Cake project is to transform a forgotten office ruin into an efficient baking factory. In this creative journey, the team faces a dual challenge: how to cleverly integrate production and tasting in a cramped space, breaking the traditional shackles of waiting for dessert creation and enjoyment; and how to stimulate customers' desire to explore the baking space, making every inch of space vibrate with the rhythm of vitality. By reconstructing the product structure and combining the core desserts, the design intent turns the challenges faced into opportunities. We have stripped the space of its old clothes, exposing the concrete skin and metal skeleton, endowing the space with the texture of time. This has significantly changed the perception of the space, presenting a diversified trace of time precipitation. What we pursue is a natural beauty that transcends design, allowing the space to tell its past in silence. We gently smooth the roughness of the steel structure, retaining the original appearance of its top and the tenacious beauty of the steel columns, creating a vision that is both natural and open. This is not only a tribute to the imprint of time but also a thoughtful layout for future commercial experiences. Here, every breath is filled with inspiration, and every glance can encounter a story.