NewHope D10 ONE
  • 城市 : 武汉   City : Wu Han
  • 面积 : 252m²
  • 完成日期 : 2024-07-30    Completion Date : 2024-07-30
  • 设计师 : 郭子伟   Designer : Ziwei Guo
  • 摄影 : 覃昭量   Photographer : Jack Zhao
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 深圳市朴悦设计顾问有限公司   Official Name : PURE DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 :
NewHope D10 ONE  武汉新希望D10天元
流行稍纵即逝,风格内核永存。 武汉新希望D10,为少数人定制藏品般的居所,濡染这座城市的精致、潮流和丰富的文化,朴悦希望创造一个极具吸引力的空间,来满足居者的感官,同时也折射出了设计的价值所在:将物质转化为不同的表现形式,将生活置于想象力的顶端,去契合居者的独特思考。 在这一理念下,设计既保留古典传统的造型与线条,却更简洁利落,并适时赋予空间时尚面貌,更重要的是它依然带有奢华风骨,在传统与现代间折射出一种雅致的平衡。
Fashion fades, only style remains the same. Wuhan New Hope D10 is a bespoke residence designed for a select few, infused with the city’s elegance, trendiness, and rich culture. The aim is to create an enticing space that stimulates the senses of its inhabitants while reflecting the essence of design: transforming materials into diverse expressions and placing life at the pinnacle of imagination, aligning with the unique perspectives of its residents. Within this concept, the design retains the classical shapes and lines while adopting a more streamlined and refined approach. It introduces a contemporary aesthetic to the space, and importantly, it maintains an air of luxurious sophistication, reflecting an elegant balance between tradition and modernity.