Designed by Xiao
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 580平方米   Area : 580 square metres
  • 完成日期 : 2021-08-31    Completion Date : 2021-08-31
  • 设计师 : 萧爱彬   Designer : AIBIN XIAO
  • 摄影 : 萧爱华   Photographer : AIHUA XIAO
  • 官网/公众号 :萧氏设计design   Website/Official Accounts : Design
Designed by Xiao  萧氏设计
二十年改造一个院子 /世外桃源/ 萧氏设计有一个院子,每当春暖花开这里就像蜜蜂被花朵吸引一样八方宾客纷至沓来喝茶品茗,赏枫观雨,三五成群促膝畅聊留连忘返。 二十年前在上海徐汇区内环核心处沿街铺面难得觅得一处带院子的办公场所墙外虽然车水马龙,墙内却被万绿所包裹,红、绿、蓝、黄四季分明,似自然又人文,一树一石均有出处,一草一木皆显匠心。俨然一世外桃源 院主给它取了一个好听的名字叫“蝉幽园”,南朝梁王籍古诗云:“蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽”,取头尾两字“蝉幽”做了院名,是乎恰如其分。处闹市还能有如此僻静之处安身立命,实在不可多得 园子不大也就百十平米,却给园主带来无限的惬意时光,每当清晨第一缕阳光洒在花园时候,总是早早搬一张小椅子坐在最先投射进来的地方,感受新鲜的阳光。因为春华秋实芳草枯荣,这个院子足可为之消磨二十年光阴。 在这个宝贵的空间里那些石头和树木被摆弄来摆弄去。2000年初植栽下的各种小树木,今天宛如森林,20年前的一颗小香樟树因紧挨着公司墙根现在奇迹般的长成了参天大树,像座山一样烘托着这栋小楼正好在北面,形成南低北高,成为我院子里最美的风景之一, 树有灵气,小时候听老人说,村口要有颗大树这个村子才会旺,就像有了保护神,护卫着村民。每当狂风暴雨它却稳诺泰山,炎热夏日大树底下纳凉遮阴,寒冷冬天万木萧瑟唯独它傲然挺立。我们也托它的福气遮蔽风雨 红枫和银杏在不同的季节展现出来的风姿截然不同,15年前我在栽种这些树木时曾写过一篇文章“期待色彩”,后来确实年年都有收获,不是果实是视觉享受和心灵的慰籍。内心窃喜,每年春秋两季都是期待之时,蝉幽园正是按自己希望的样子长成的,还有什么不开心的?人的成长和事业又何尝不希望如此。何尝不希望像墙上的那方砖雕的“福”一样做个有福之人。 这些石狮子是南狮北狮至少是明代的古物都是一点点积攒起来的,“福”是山西淘来的也到了清初,拆拆改改有的留有的送就这样一次次把院子写成了历史,小桥和流水在不同时期有了不同的样子,只要你隔几年不来蝉幽园,你就不知道这个院子又会变成什么样?它是一个生长和百变的,它有千万种表情等着你去发现,每一个季节每一缕阳光,白天黑夜,雨雪风霜都有不同的美,不同的情绪。每次翻看手机,花园的图片始终都像背景音乐一直存在,不同时期拍摄不同 的角角落落,光线就像一把刻刀,刚硬而坚决,但又无痕,这样的矛盾实在是美妙。可以在同一个物体上表现的一会坚强一会柔美,这就是让你常见常新,百拍不厌的原因。也不知道她还将如何变,只要主人还在这里他就会不断地变 恰如其分地将公共空间融入到私人花园分不清彼此,在外空间里也有我十多年前布局的植栽,正所谓“巧于因借,重在体宜”,古人总结的太好,我也是“有心插柳”。来往的宾客无不喜欢呆在这个意想不到的园子里。 /高朋满座/ 蝉幽园里时不时会来一些全国各地不相识的设计师朋友,前台的小姐姐都会很热心地端上茶水,他们说很多年前就看过萧氏设计的案子,也知道这里有个院子。以前一个人不敢进来,集成一伙胆子就大了,进到里面果然惬意,好像和原来看到的图片又不一样了。 当然不一样,院主这些年不断折腾这个院子,今天搬一点东进来明天移点西出去,几年前是绿地后面又改成了防腐木,入口开头是花岗岩,如今是沙石。看到鱼儿游得不畅所幸把水池挖大,让鱼儿游痛快一点点。好友嫌我鱼养太小,送五条花色不同的成年锦鲤曰“五福临门”与墙上的“福”相得益彰,树也是被折腾好几回,原先以为树多即好,其实不然,适可而止为好,二十年形成今天的模样,也就摸着了植物的脾气。所以友人们时隔一年半载来我公司都会诧异地看着我,你又整过了?是的,三天前我才种了一颗腊梅,等明年冬天腊梅开花你可以再来闻香。 这里常会举行一些party,几十人到上百人。一个好客的院子,不仅是设计师聚还有艺术家聚,企业家聚。春夏秋冬各不相同 /室内的变迁/ 十年前我总以为那次的萧氏设计改造已经是极限了,该用的空间都用足了,但时代的变化,行为和观念都大不一样,原来的空间不能满足现在的需求原本,原本的茶水间现在变成了茶室,我给茶室淘来了一块老匾,取名“猗兰室”, 猗,美妙之意,猗蘭即“猗兰殿”是汉武帝出生的地方,地台上满铺草席,意即汉塌,非日式榻榻米,塌是中国传到日本的,汉代中国还没有坐凳,都是席地而坐。日本学的像也继承的好,就误以为是日本原生,其实不然。爱自己的文化是我们骨子里的事,留点谈资是这块匾的真实意义,历史永远是男人们聊不完的话题,这个茶室就会是大家最喜欢呆的地方 原先接待厅里的大书架已经十年过去了,视觉的审美疲劳加上纸媒时代已成过去,这些书毕竟承载了二十多年萧氏设计一路走来的风景。我在高厅加了一个过道,把书架做到上面去,书整整齐齐地被束之高阁”,虽然不再翻阅但这是对过往历史的尊重。站在大厅抬头仰望,现在依然成了美好的装饰与回忆 进入公共空间第一眼看到的黑色的钢网旋转楼梯了,时尚且柔中带刚,楼梯从原来的靠墙壁移到了视觉的中心,美是必须的,但更重要的是实用,这个楼梯不单只是时髦,更是为了透气,二楼有很多人办公金属网做栏板是给二楼更好的通风透气,设计最好莫过于既美观又实用。旋转楼梯落在一滴墨黑的大理石圆点上,我叫它“原点”,寻找初心和回到原点的意思,也许就是期许和愿望。随着年纪见长,路越走越远,有时不知道走到哪里去了,迷失自己找不到最初的梦想,时不时提醒自己也是有必要的。 每个空间既有互动又很独立,数字时代,人和人的交往不应停留在数字媒体上,更加需要面对面的情感交流,不同时代有不同时代的要求,萧氏设计公司二十多年来前后改造了四次,每次都赋予它生命和意义,每一个空间都有无限的可能性,真理不是永恒的,而设计师经验积累和阅历的丰富才能创造空间的无限可能。
20 years to transform a courtyard /xanadu/ xiao design has a courtyard, when the spring flowers open here as bees attracted by flowers, guests come to drink tea, watch the maple rain, three or five groups of people chat with each other. Twenty years ago, it was rare to find an office space with a courtyard on the pavement along the street in the heart of Xuhui District, Shanghai. Although the walls were busy with traffic, the walls were covered with green, red, green, blue and yellow, a tree a stone all have a source, a grass a tree all show ingenuity. Just like a world of xanadu courtyard owner gave it a beautiful name called "Cicada Youyuan" , the Southern Dynasty Liangwangji ancient poem said: "Cicada Noise forest more quiet, birds sing more quiet mountain" , take the first and last two words "CICADA Youyou" as the name of the courtyard, is almost appropriate. It is rare to find such a secluded place in a busy city. The garden is only 100 square meters in size, but it gives the owner unlimited pleasure. Whenever the first rays of sunlight sprinkle on the garden in the morning, always early move a small chair to sit in the first projection into the place, feel the fresh sunlight. Because the spring and autumn fruits, the grass withered, this yard is enough to kill 20 years of time. In this precious space the stones and trees are played with. The small trees planted at the beginning of 2000 are like a forest today. A small camphor tree that 20 years ago grew into a towering tree because it was close to the wall of the company. It stands out like a mountain just to the north of the small building, it is one of the most beautiful sceneries in my yard. When I was young, I heard the old man say that there should be a big tree at the entrance of the village. When the wind and rain it is steady nuotai mountain, hot summer shade under the trees, cold winter bleak only it stands proudly. We are also blessed with the shade of Red Maple and Gingko trees, which show different styles in different seasons. When I planted these trees 15 years ago, I wrote an article called "color of expectation" , it's not a fruit. It's a visual and spiritual comfort. Secretly happy, every spring and autumn are looking forward to the time, the CICADA garden is in the shape of their hope to grow up, what is not happy? It's what you want for your growth and your career. Do not want to be like the brick on the wall of the "blessing" as a blessed person. These stone lions are southern lions and northern lions, at least the antiquities of the Ming Dynasty, all accumulated little by little. "Fu" was found in Shanxi, and it was the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. Some of the old buildings were demolished and rebuilt, others were given away, and the courtyard was thus written into history again and again, small Bridge and water in different periods have a different look, as long as you do not come every few years CICADA Youyuan, you do not know what the yard will become? It is a growth and changeable, it has tens of thousands of expressions for you to find, every season every ray of Sunshine, day and night, rain, Snow, wind and frost have different beauty, different emotions. Every time I look at the phone, the picture of the garden is always there like background music, different times shooting different corners, the light is like a carving knife, hard and firm, but no trace, such a contradiction is really wonderful. You can be strong and soft on the same object for a while, which is why you're always new and never tired of it. I don't know how much more she will change, as long as the owner is here he will keep on changing, properly incorporating the public space into the private garden and not being able to tell one another apart, and in the outer space there are plants that I planted more than a decade ago, as the so-called "skillful by borrowing, heavy in the body appropriate" , the ancients summed up too well, I also "have the intention to insert willow. All the guests who come and go like to stay in this unexpected garden. From time to time in the garden of CICADAS, some designers from different parts of the country would visit. The girls at the front desk would eagerly serve tea. They said that they had seen Xiao's case many years before, and I know there's a yard. Before a person does not dare come in, integrated a group of courage is big, enter inside as expected cozy, seem and the picture that sees originally is not same again. Of course not, the owner of the yard has been tossing the yard over the years, moving a little east today, moving a little West tomorrow, a few years ago it was the green behind and changed to preservative wood, the entrance started with granite, now it is sand and stone. See the fish swim not good luck to the pool dug big, let the fish swim a little bit faster. My good friend said that I was too small to raise fish. He sent five adult Koi of different colors and colors, saying, "five blessings coming to the gate" and the "blessings" on the wall complement each other. The tree was also tossed around several times. Originally, he thought that more trees were better, but in fact, it was better to stop at the right time, 20 years to form today's appearance, also touch the temperament of the plant. So friends after a year and a half to come to my company will be surprised to see me, you have done it again? Yes, I planted a wintersweet three days ago. You can smell it when it comes out next winter. There were parties, dozens to hundreds of people. A welcoming yard, not just for designers but for artists, for entrepreneurs. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are all differentindoor changesten years ago I always thought that Xiao design renovation was the limit, there was plenty of space to use, but times have changed, behavior and ideas are very different, the original space can not meet the needs of the present original, the original tea room has now become a tea room, I gave the tea room to find an old plaque, named "Yi Lan Room" , Yi Lan means, the Yi Lan Palace is the place where Emperor Wu of Han was born, the floor was covered with Straw mats, that is, Han Dynasty Tatami, non-japanese Tatami, Tatami was introduced to Japan from China, Han Dynasty China did not sit on a stool, are sitting on the floor. Japanese learning like also inherited good, it is mistaken for Japan native, in fact, it is not. It's in our bones to love our culture. To leave something to talk about is the true meaning of this plaque. History is a topic that men can never finish talking about, the teahouse will be everyone's favorite place. The big bookshelves in the reception hall have passed ten years ago. The visual fatigue and the paper media era have passed, after all, these books carry more than 20 years of Xiao's design along the landscape. I added an aisle in the high hall and built the bookcase over it, the books are neatly shelved", a nod to the past even though they are no longer being read. Standing in the hall and looking up, it is still a beautiful decoration and memory into the public space to see the first sight of the Black Steel Mesh spiral staircase, fashionable and soft with rigid, the staircase from the original wall to the visual center, beauty is necessary, but more importantly, the staircase is not only fashionable, but also for ventilation, there are many people on the second floor office Metal Mesh fence to give the second floor better ventilation, design is the best is both beautiful and practical. The spiral staircase fell on a drop of black marble dot, I call it "origin" , to find the origin and back to the meaning of origin, perhaps is the expectations and wishes. As you get older, you get farther and farther away, sometimes you don't know where you're going, you don't know where you're going, you don't know where you're going, and it's important to remind yourself from time to time. Every space is both interactive and independent, in the digital age, the interaction between people and people should not stay on the digital media, more need face-to-face emotional communication, different times have different requirements of the times, Xiao's design company has been transformed four times in the past 20 years, each time has given it life and meaning, every space has infinite possibilities, truth is not eternal, and designers experience accumulation and experience can create infinite possibilities of space.