Contemporary Skyworld
  • 城市 : 中国·厦门   City : Xiamen,China
  • 面积 : 240m²   Area : 240 m²
  • 完成日期 : 2021-02-01    Completion Date : 2021-02-01
  • 设计师 : 林智彬   Designer : Zhibin Lin
  • 摄影 : 李玲玉   Photographer : Lingyu Li
  • 官网/公众号 : 理居设计公众号   Website/Official Accounts : Liju Design
Contemporary Skyworld  当代天境
面对着厦门著名景点鼓浪屿,用“空无一物”来放大家中的最强海景,“自由”是家的主题,没有刻意的边界感,人物在空间中的自由度达到最高。 利用原本奇特的户型形状,将公区作为家中的主要活动区,放大在家中活动的尺度感与丰富程度,抬高多功能区地面使其成为一个儿童游乐区、观影区、书房、休闲区以及收纳区。 极其抢眼的茶红色拱顶造型延伸至厨房区域形成强烈的空间张力,引导人的视线达到客厅最远处,放大家中值得惊叹的波光粼粼的鼓浪屿海面。 整个家中,质朴的米黄、茶红色充斥着整个空间,大面积的微水泥配合局部使用仿岩石材质、亚麻等自然材质增加氛围感,选择略带笨重稚拙的粗犷感家具,达到内外合一,居住者在其间享受静谧与放松生活。
The biggest characteristic of the room is to amplify the seascape of Kulangsu, the famous scenic spot in Xiamen. “Freedom” is the theme of the home without deliberate sense of boundary that residents can have a highest degree of freedom in this space. By virtue of the unique house type, the public area can be taken as the main activity area, to enhance the sense of scale and richness of activities; And the multi-functional area can be elevated to create a children’s recreation area, movie-watching area, study area, leisure area and storage area. The striking tea red vault extends to the kitchen area, which forms a strong spatial tension to lead people’s sight to the furthest part of the living room and magnify the amazing shimmering sea of Kulangsu. The whole room, filled with rustic beige and tea red, is made of a large area of micro-cement and some natural materials, like rock-like materials and flax, to enhance sense of atmosphere. Heavy, clumsy and rough furniture is used to achieve the unity of inside and outside and to let residents enjoy quiet and relaxing life in the room.