Sanlitun To Summer Concept Store
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 170㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-12-01    Completion Date : 2020-12-01
  • 设计师 : 郑宇、詹迪、侯绍凯   Designer : Yu Zheng, Di Zhan, Shaokai Hou
  • 摄影 : 刘星昊©言隅建筑空间摄影   Photographer : Xinghao Liu©INSPACE
  • 官网/公众号 : / FOG建筑事务所   Website/Official Accounts :
Sanlitun To Summer Concept Store  观夏三里屯线下体验店
东方新晋原创香薰品牌“观夏”首家线下体验店落址北京三里屯太古里北区地下一层,包含展陈、体验、零售、艺术装置展示、仓储后台等功能区域。 让自然与人造对话:仿石、海藻泥肌理为空间打磨毛边,纳米镜面金属、玻璃材料释放冷静气质,暖白调纯色墙面成为柔和背景,共同营造“洞穴”般的包裹式安全感。 在居家与社交间平衡:各区域由一条U形通道贯穿,人行其间与环境自然融合,形成电影镜头般的正反打效果;家具陈列始终保持未完成状,释放“客厅”般从容、温馨的情绪体验。 于商业和艺术间流连:展陈区域仅25m²,岛台、货架与墙体的直接互文让产品如艺术品般呈现,达到品牌记忆度的重击,铺陈出“艺廊”般的独立气质与自由氛围。 设计师通过空间语言、材料肌理和细节叙述设立几组“对话”:温暖与冷静、粗砺与精细、坚硬与柔软、控制与直觉、自然与人造。“无定性”和“自由性”同为重要切入点,让流线、曲面、镜像、光影共同描绘出的设计,仿佛波纹涟漪涤荡绵延,恰如可嗅、可观、可闻、可触、可思的气味风景。
The first brick-and-mortar of the newly risen oriental fragrance brand “To Summer” is located on the basement level of Taikoo Li Sanlitun, Beijing. In this cave-like “living room,” designers introduce sets of contrasting elements to find balance between roughness versus refinement, contact versus solitude, motion versus tranquility, concretion versus abstraction, organic versus manmade, and commercial versus artistic. By using materials with raw tactility, wavy surfaces that resemble the interior of a cave, and furniture pieces that celebrate the crude essence of rocks and stones, we harmonize cave elements with modern, oriental aesthetic and render cave-related sensorial experience into contemporary design languages. Just like how scents are formless and invisible, our design upholds freedom and amorphousness. In the lounge area, for example, we mix and match custom funitures with Max Lamb collection pieces and make room for them to move around or group up, so that the layout is always open to change. Most of the furnitures are made of high-density foam, FRP, metal, concrete, and other innovative materials that may deliver a state of being unfinished and an air of primitiveness. Amorphousness is mostly embedded in the joint use of streamlines, curves, and asymmetrical reflective surfaces, which sets off the artistic undertone of the space. The fluid visual effect, the smooth flow, and the unexpected bumps and turns all add layers to the spatial experience and dynamism to the general spirit of the room.