Crystal Hotel
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 12300m2
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-10    Completion Date : 2021-06-10
  • 设计师 : 周光明   Designer : Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou
  • 摄影 : 蔡云普/ 包梦琪   Photographer : Yunpu Cai / Mengqi Bao
  • 官网/公众号 :
Crystal Hotel   水晶酒店
当生活带来便利的同时,每天我们需要作各种大小不同的决定,透过每次的决定,逐渐建立起每个独立个体的特色以及标签,「追求」是生活的驱动力,在每次的淘汰与叠加后,是质感的丰满。水晶的质感来自于没有杂质的纯粹与晶透,才能在强光照射的时候,折射出七色的彩虹。生活的质感也是在每次的新陈代谢后,逐渐被淬炼透亮,才能散发出迷人的光彩。 当代的商务差旅,总是繁忙且急促,在混乱吵杂世代不自觉地进行各种切换。在水晶,如何回归到本质与纯粹,提供有“质”与有“感”的住宿体验,是我们的目标。以光为引导,透过不同的介质与空间转换,在新水晶酒店的移动是流畅且舒适。无限镜盒将光延续,引领进入了挑高的大堂,瞬间从都市的拥挤繁忙中被释放。空间以“威士忌”为主,如同一位英国绅士带领你进入一个专属的俱乐部,驰骋在属于自己的社交领域。而在每次的杯觥交错之后,依然可以被舒适与纯粹所包覆,在静谧中再次重启。 开放且私密,「水晶」的“质”:质地可眼见、可触摸,“感”:感知从进入酒店的那一刻起,便被切换。透过光的洗涤与转折,“水晶”提供华而不奢,粹而不造作的住宿体验,过滤掉差旅中的喧哗与不安,在每次的休息后都可再度散发属于自己的那道光。
The consequence of the increasing convenience of modern life is that we need to make more decisions every day than before. Through each decision, our own tags and personality would be gradually established. “Pursuit” is the motivation of life, after every harvest and loss, it would become the thickness of life. The texture of the crystal comes from purity and penetration without impurities. Only under strong light, the crystal can reflect the colors rainbow. The texture of life is also gradually refined and turning bright after polishing, then send out a charming luster. Modern intercity travel is always busy and hurried,we are forced to get used to self-isolation unconsciously from the chaos and noise. In the new version of Crystal Hotel, our design gets back to essence and purity. In terms of accommodation experience, providing “fine-quality” and “proper feeling” for guests are our goals. Lighting guides the guests into the hotel, transforming through different objects and spaces, which instantly release guests from the pressure of busy life. “Whiskey” is the theme of our hotel, just like a British gentleman leads you into an exclusive club. When the guests get a little tipsy,they can still be surrounded by comfort and purity. Keeping both open and private, the “Fine-Quality” is reflected in the visible and touchable texture; “Proper Feeling” ensures that the perception would be transformed positively once the guest enters the hotel. The new Crystal Hotel is trying to create an accommodation experience that is luxurious but not extravagant, essential but not artificial. Through the washing and refraction of light, we filter out the noise as well as discomfort of travel. Every stay can offer the completed rest, to let the guests shine their light again.