SLD+ (备注:加号为上标)
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 890 sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2020-11-01    Completion Date : 2020-11-01
  • 设计师 : 梁志天,庄超峰,胡偉   Designer : Mr. Steve Leung; Mr. Chong Chiu Fung; Mr. Nick Hu
  • 摄影 : 孙骏   Photographer : Mr. Sun Jun
  • 官网/公众号 :
SLD+  SLD+ (备注:加号为上标)
SLD+ 是梁志天设计集团 (SLD) 的企业文化馆锐意为不同领域人士提供互动与交流的创意空间,可招待客户、合作伙伴、媒体与设计同业。馆内的展览记录了创始人梁志天先生和 SLD 在发展历程中的每一个脚印,让参观者能够深入了解其创作历程,以及SLD的发展历程与文化。 从空间布局到设计陈设,SLD+ 贯彻了梁氏现代、简约、恰到好处的审美哲学。SLD+ 楼高两层,除了入口,外观仅留有一扇长方形的窗,犹如为整幢大楼披上一层轻纱,透出一丝丝的神秘感。从白色建筑走进室内黑色神秘空间,巨大的视觉反差让访客对即将开启的探索之旅更为投入和专注。除展区外,馆内设有多功能空间、会议室和VIP体验空间。连接两层的楼梯是整个设计中浓墨重彩的部分,向上的阶梯也象征梁先生在设计界的成就及SLD的发展历程,从过去走到现在再走向未来。 此外,SLD+ 亦取得 WELL 健康建筑 - 标准金级预认证,成为 WELL 健康设计的倡导者,致力以设计改善生活。(备注:加号为上标)
SLD+, SLD’s corporate culture centre, provides a creative space for different disciplines to interact, crafting the ideal environment for all sorts of gatherings among different players: customers, business partners, media friends, and design enthusiasts. SLD+ also features a permanent retrospective of our Founder’s creative journey and the development of his eponymous practice, documented through the most significant projects and a rich assortment of unpublished sketches, models, and media interviews. From sheer space planning to minimalist furnishing design, SLD+ white and clean outlines embody our Founder’s aesthetics of refined modernity and neat simplicity. The 2-storey building is designed with only one rectangular window and entrance as the exterior, radiating a sense of mystery covered by a layer of light gauze. The dim reception unfolds a dramatic space in pitch black, set as a striking visual contrast with the pure white of the exterior, leading visitors into a sensory exploration of the space ahead: a generous exhibition area in black and white tones featuring striking cube-shaped seating; a well-equipped multi-functional area; a spacious meeting room; a suggestive VIP experience zone. A powerful staircase connects the two floors of the building, becoming one of the main design focal points, reflecting our Founder and his practice’s achievements in an emotional crescendo of past, present, and future visually expressed through the impressive staircase’s silhouette. Pre-certified with WELL Certification - Gold Level by IWBI, with the official Gold certificate on the way, SLD+ aims at enhancing people’s holistic wellbeing in the built environment by creating a human-centered platform that encourages multiple dialogues, mutual inspiration, and cross-border collaborations, inspiring visitors to enjoy first-hand our deep commitment to great design and quality living.