  • 城市 : 云南大理   City : Dali
  • 面积 : 约2500平方   Area : 2500
  • 完成日期 : 2020-10-20    Completion Date : 2020-10-20
  • 设计师 : 谢柯 支鸿鑫 杨凯 刘晓婕 贺悦琦 周鲲 郑亚佳 李茜 张琳   Designer : Xie Ke Zhi Hongxin Xu Kaiqing Deng Lei Tan Qing
  • 摄影 : 坛坛   Photographer : Tan Tan
  • 官网/公众号 : 尚壹扬设计   Website/Official Accounts : syy decoration design
Sisan·Shuanglang  夕上双廊酒店
夕上·双廊酒店坐落于中国西南的高原度假胜地 — 大理双廊镇。在这个有悠久历史的白族渔村里,依然保留原住民的生活习俗。其前身是传统白族建筑的「粉四」客栈,设计师谢柯保留了原有的仪式,借由一条中轴,完成喧嚣至僻静、世俗至旷然的起承转合。 酒店共两层14间房,每一间都有独特,广阔且多元的景观视野,超然于当地民宿及酒店利益驱动的逻辑外,自得一种语境。“ 前院后海 ” 的空间秩序,重组体验的节奏,客人能够享受在双廊街上感受当地热闹的气氛的同时,进到酒店内部,能够有一个非常安静的度假氛围,鼓励人关注寻常中的戏剧性,重新审视内心的生活状态。
Sisan · Shuanglang is located in Shuanglang Town, Dali, a highland resort in southwest China. In this fishing village of the Bai ethnic group with a long history, the living customs of the aborigines are still preserved. Its predecessor called「 Fen Si 」is the traditional Bai architecture, the designer Xie Ke retained the original ceremony, through a central axis, to complete the noisy to secluded, secular to open to the transition. The hotel consists of 14 rooms on two floors, each with a unique, broad and diverse view of the landscape, which is detached from the logic of local b&b and the hotel's profit-driven environment. The space ordered of "front yard and back sea" reorganizes the rhythm of the experience. Guests can enjoy the lively atmosphere of the local area on Shuanglang street. At the same time, while entering the hotel, they can have a very quiet holiday atmosphere, encouraging people to pay attention to the ordinary drama and re-examine the inner state of life.