Duoyun Books – Theater Bookstore
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 1437㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-12-24    Completion Date : 2020-12-24
  • 设计师 : 吕永中   Designer : Lv Yongzhong
  • 摄影 : 吴永长、席佳   Photographer : Wu Yongchang, Xi Jia
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.lvyongzhong.com/zh/   Website/Official Accounts : http://www.lvyongzhong.com/en/
Duoyun Books – Theater Bookstore   朵云书院·戏剧店
朵云书院·戏剧店,以“垂直领域书店”的概念,容纳文学、音乐、电影、动漫等泛戏剧艺术领域,餐饮、展览与讲座等功能,使具有浓厚戏剧气息的老街区焕发新的文化生命力。 “不受控制的记忆闯入故事线,重新调整并固化构成。”非线性结构演化为沉浸式戏剧或空间。吕永中将非线性结构融入戏剧书店的设计之中,在人们体验书店的沉浸式空间时,“书店本身就是一出属于自己的戏剧,由人与空间及人际关系互动创造出独特体验”。 街区脉络、戏剧基调、垂直领域,是和原建筑的一次对话。“戏剧”主题并不意味着呈现具象的戏剧:“过去,戏剧倾向于台上演出,台下观看的关系,现在,我们的生活每天都在发生戏剧性变化,戏剧指向新的可能”。 随建筑本身特性,布局重新分理,满足其各项组成的可到达性,在分散空间中非线性地连接起来,让人们在书店中“游园”,沉浸场景、也享受阅读的乐趣。
Duoyun Books-Theater Bookstore, located at Changle Community, Shanghai. Changle is a noted Cultural Area witch famous for hundred-years history theaters. Committed to the revival of this area, the Bookstore takes up the theme “Drama”, introducing Books and Cultural & Creative Stationaries in Drama and Pan-Drama genre and topics. As a comprehensive task, to retrofit the old building for mission of leading the revival. Lv’s team taken the Renovation of Façade and Interior, Showcases and VG System, make each part to penetrate together. “Dramas play on the stage then audiences watch them offstage in the past. Now we think Drama points to possibilities, that the live we living become more dramatic, spaces could become stages, we’re playing our own stories.”