Sunac Sales Center
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 700
  • 完成日期 : 2020-11-26    Completion Date : 2020-11-26
  • 设计师 : Peter Ippolito
  • 摄影 : Dirk Weiblen, 鲁芬芳   Photographer : Dirk Weiblen, Lu Fenfang
  • 官网/公众号 : IFG伊波莱茨建筑设计
Sunac Sales Center  融创售楼中心
时代尖端 通常,售楼中心与艺术画廊互不相干,但这座售楼中心地处上海生机勃勃的艺术文化腹地,它与画廊之间产生共鸣也就不足为奇。融创地产正是选择了艺术气息浓郁的上海西岸,在博物馆、画廊、工坊、剧院之间描绘出一幅自己的图景。IFG受其之邀打造室内环境,将空间如一张白色画布般展开,用色彩、形体、材质、静物和媒体令其开始呼吸,并为目标群体创造机会,帮助其沉浸到正在慢慢长成的楼盘项目中,近距离地开始构思未来的居住空间…… 艺术与周边 2010年世博会后,上海开始逐步落实被称为“上海2035”的城市总体规划。西岸这片曾经举办了世博会的土地占地9.4平方公里,逐渐从一个萧瑟的工业区成长为上海绿色转型的象征。不仅如此,黄浦江边的这片滨水新区还将被打造成为上海的文化新区。不计其数的画廊、博物馆、教育和休闲设施以及鳞次栉比的商铺和酒店正如雨后春笋般在此落户,再加上大片的公园和绿地等公共设施,引来了世界各地的建筑师、园林规划师、环境设计师在此一显身手。滨江新区背靠浦西,面朝浦东,一边见证历史,一边放眼未来,其浓郁的艺术和人文特质使其散发出独树一帜的魅力。融创售楼中心就是在这片土地上于2020年9月正式启用。 宜居社区 融创中国控股有限公司以“至臻·致远”为理念,致力于通过高品质的产品与服务,整合优质资源,为中国家庭提供美好生活的完美解决方案,推动中国城市的高质量发展与进步。居所、文化、商业、服务一条龙,面向追求高品质生活的目标群体。因此,西岸售楼中心不是一个单纯的住宅销售场所,它在唤醒客户的物质追求的同时,更是对其心愿的诠释。沉浸式的体验好似漫步于画廊,令文化敏感的受众在此体验到归属感和信任感。像艺术品一般呈现的每一套住宅,气场充盈总计700平米的庞大空间。 都市先锋 本次设计的出发点是将展厅作为一张巨大的白色画布,在不同区域之间从材质和色调上加以微妙区分。精心搭配的色彩和甄选的经典展品配以充满雕塑感的家具使整个空间散发出诗和美的意境。销售的潜在目标是一个注重文化、钟情设计的客户群体,为他们量身定制恰当的客户体验是本次设计的根本。访客经过前厅步入品牌展示区,丰富的多媒体传达令其自然而然地沉浸到融创的世界当中。展厅中央的建筑模型直观展现出项目全貌;占据整扇墙面的大屏幕作为背景,提供各种周边信息。在波纹状的玻璃幕墙背后,葱郁的绿植若隐若现,影射出西岸新区的“绿肺”地位。由此继续,绿色的主题还贯穿到为访客提供闲谈空间的休息区。在这里,设计语言一改之前的有机形态,转以几何但柔软的材质创造出一个舒适放松的环境。客户旅程的最后一站是贵宾区。这里是售房合同落笔定音的地方。贵宾区采用椭圆形平面,环境好似起居室,外墙多层叠加,天花则以天光照明。 一切从艺术出发 如果将融创售楼中心从画廊的比喻再进一步,将其作为一件艺术品来看待,张力四射的对比和充满当代艺术感的空间即是其独树一帜的语言——静谧的白色与鲜明的彩色;大尺度的几何形态与精巧的雕塑手法;数字化的媒体传达与直接的交谈对话;天然的绿色生命与建筑的艺术愿景;开敞的宽阔空间与隐秘的私谈沉静——一切的一切,融会贯通,构成一幅完整和谐的画面。画面的主题是融创品牌的精髓——亲和、诚信。在核心之外,该设计还为访客留出充分的发挥空间,用自己的眼光来诠释内涵,激发灵感。
State of the art Comparing a sales centre with an art gallery may seem a bit of a stretch. However, with a showroom in the heart of Shanghai’s flourishing arts and culture district, the comparison no longer seems quite as far-fetched. Real estate developer Sunac not only succeeds in holding its own amongst the wealth of museums, galleries, workshops and theatres in the West Bund, it makes its own artistic statement. Designed as a blank, white canvas by Ippolito Fleitz Group, the space comes to life through the superimposed colours, shapes, textures, objects and media, giving prospective customers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the project under creation, but also to be inspired in their own lifestyle aspirations. Art and public space After the EXPO 2010, Shanghai began to put its Master Plan 2035 into action. As part of this grand plan, the West Bund area of 9.4 square kilometres, which had remained a wasteland after the World Expo closed, developed from a barren industrial landscape into a symbol of green transformation in the years that followed. But that’s not all: The promenade along Huangpu River is becoming one of the hotspots of China’s largest metropolis. Countless galleries and museums, but also educational and leisure facilities, shops and hotels join parks and green spaces, and have already pushed international architects, landscape planners and designers of all stripes to deliver some inspiring projects. While the neighbouring Bund district represents Shanghai’s past and Pudong on the opposite bank represents Shanghai’s future, the newly created West Bund arts and culture district stands for a more human-centric, varied environment with a strong recreational appeal. In September 2020, the Sunac Sales Center joined this creative and stimulating landscape. Enhanced living for citizens In line with its ‘Passion for Perfection’ slogan, real estate company Sunac China Holdings Ltd. has set itself the goal of enabling a better lifestyle for Chinese families with its range of complete solutions. High-quality living, culture, commercial facilities and other services all go hand in hand, and address a clientele that understands and appreciates quality. Accordingly, it is hardly surprising that the West Bund sales centre is more than an elegant sales space designed to provoke material longing. Rather, it is a place in which customer wishes manifest themselves and merge into a meaningful whole – an immersive experience, reminiscent of a gallery tour, connecting with the culturally aware target group and accompanying them on their personal journey. Each one of the objects displayed here was curated like a work of art and unfolds its full effect in the 700-square metre space. Urban avantgarde The conceptual approach behind the design was to treat the showroom as a white canvas – in which different zones are distinguished by their different textures and colour accents. The combination of a carefully considered colour dramaturgy with exquisite, iconic exhibits and sculptural furniture gives the sales centre a poetic, museum-like atmosphere. The customer journey is tailored to the culture and design-loving target group, guiding customers from the reception area into the brand area, where they can immerse themselves fully in the world of Sunac via multimedia. The project can be studied via a large-scale architectural model positioned in the centre of the room, while relevant background information can be accessed on floor-to-ceiling screens. A proliferation of plant life is visible behind ripple-effect glass , thus drawing the green lung of the West Bund district into the interior space. The colour green is also used in the lounge, which is intended for informal exchanges: Not an organic green in this case, but clear-cut shapes that serve to establish a soft atmosphere. Last but not least, the customer journey leads interested parties to the VIP area for completion of contracts. Its oval, home-like conference rooms are located behind a faceted shell and are illuminated from above by a daylight-quality illuminated ceiling. Down to a fine art If the design of the Sunac Sales Center can be compared not only to a gallery, but even to a work of art itself, then it is the tantalising contrasts that characterise this contemporary space, rendering it unmistakable: calm white against lucid colour tones, large scuptural forms against small-scale structures, digital media against analogue dialogue, natural green against architectural visions, and expansive space against cosy niches. Taken together, this generates a homogeneous image that underscores Sunac’s brand values – tangibility, closeness, commitment – on all levels, but still leaves enough free space for your own interpretation and, above all, inspiration.