• 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 100
  • 完成日期 : 2021-08-11    Completion Date : 2021-08-11
  • 设计师 : 刘畅   Designer : Liu Chang
  • 摄影 : 立明   Photographer : Li Ming
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NOTHING DESIGN工作室   Official Name : NOTHING DESIGN STUDIO
  • 官网/公众号 :
工作室分别为接待区和办公区。映入眼帘首先是接待区,仿佛是 自己家的客厅:一组沙发、餐桌椅、西厨以及一个岛台。运 用当下热门的微水泥和西班牙黏土作为墙面的主要材料,整个空间氛围简约又舒适。特别定制的一面大落地窗把窗外的景色引进室内,让空间的视野更通透。搭配米色半透光落地窗帘,犹如在自家客厅享受慵懒的午后时光。家具上的选择也非常有意思,除了有经典设计款的家具,还有一些充满时光沉淀的中古家具,其前瞻性和生命力让现代感的空间里多了古朴的韵味.雕塑的艺术作品作为点缀,体现出艺术设计的氛围。橱柜区用了烤漆门板搭配不锈钢操作台区和岛台,造型极简纯粹,没有任何多余的东西,呈现材质本身的质感。岛台后的走廊安排了很多抽屉柜,玄关的长条形开窗也让走廊引入了自然光。 不锈钢带来克制的感觉,中和了空间温柔闲适的调性,冷峻的灰色调表现出纯粹的质感,与木质隔断形成了材质上微妙的平衡。推开木质隔断,便是办公区和材质展示区。以浅橡木色为主,木色温润,赋予空间稳定感,附带家居的温馨感,希望营造温暖舒适的办公空间。原木色空间,搭配亚麻材质的纱帘显得空间非常温馨舒适,打造出像家一样的工作环境
The studio is divided into a reception area and an office area. The reception area is like the living room of your own home: a set of sofas, dining table and chairs, a western kitchen and an island. Using the popular micro-cement and Spanish clay as the main materials for the walls, the whole space has a simple yet comfortable atmosphere. A large custom-made floor-to-ceiling window brings the view from the window inside, giving the space a more transparent view. With beige semi-translucent floor-to-ceiling curtains, it is like enjoying a lazy afternoon in your own living room. The choice of furniture is also very interesting, in addition to the classic design furniture, there are also some Chinese antique furniture full of time, its forward-looking and vitality makes the modern sense of the space more antique flavor. Sculptural artworks are used as embellishments to reflect the atmosphere of artistic design. The cabinet area is made of lacquered doors with stainless steel worktop area and island, the shape is minimal and pure, without any unnecessary things, presenting the texture of the material itself. The corridor behind the island is arranged with many drawers, and the long window in the entrance also brings natural light into the corridor. Stainless steel brings a sense of restraint, neutralizing the gentle and leisurely tone of the space, and the cool gray tone shows pure texture, forming a subtle balance of materials with the wooden partition. Push open the wooden partition, there is the office area and material display area. With light oak color as the main color, the warm wood color gives the space a sense of stability and comes with a sense of warmth of home, hoping to create a warm and comfortable office space. The original wood-colored space, with linen curtains, looks very warm and comfortable, creating a home-like working environment.