Beijing 80㎡Fun Loft
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 80
  • 完成日期 : 2021-09-10    Completion Date : 2021-09-10
  • 设计师 : 刘畅   Designer : Liu Chang
  • 摄影 : 立明   Photographer : Li Ming
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NOTHING DESIGN工作室   Official Name : NOTHING DESIGN STUDIO
  • 官网/公众号 :
Beijing 80㎡Fun Loft  北京80㎡趣味Loft
得知屋主悦悦有特别多的玩具和小摆件,如何将它们陈列出来,成为设计师思考整个规划的切入点。为了确保悦悦有足够的空间安置她的私藏宝贝,设计师将楼梯做了大调整,优 化整体动线,确保使用功能区的清晰。环绕的挑空隔板,让面积并不大的客厅,有了更多收纳书籍的空间,并且井然有序的书籍反倒有了放大空间的视觉效果。室内顶部没有装任何顶灯,基本是靠层次丰富的灯带、台灯及落地灯的组合,来营造整体灯光氛围,这也让空间有了不同的重点;琳琅满目的物件原来都有专属于它们的舞台,不同的角落都在上演着不一样的故事脚本。设计师用多元而富有秩序的空间,让悦悦所喜欢的元素都能和谐共存。空间既有简洁干净的线条,又有轻微的戏剧感。 从一层到二层,整个家的墙面都被艺术漆覆盖,米灰色和脏橘色的交叠,让侘寂的氛围里多了些俏皮。二楼出其不意的将独立人造石浴缸安置在了主卧床侧面, 特别又和谐,墙顶、地面刷成贯穿全屋的脏橘色,设计师旨在用色块强调这块空间的存在感,让它明显地与睡眠空间在视觉上区分开来。圆球造型的壁灯,散发的旖旎光线打在泡澡区,让就寝前的沐浴自带仪式感,宛若度假。
Knowing that Yueyue has a lot of toys and small ornaments, how to display them became the entry point for the designer to think about the whole plan. In order to ensure that Yueyue has enough space for her private treasures, the designer made a major adjustment to the staircase, optimizing the overall flow and ensuring the clarity of the functional areas. The circular partition gives the living room, which is not very large, more space for storing books, and the well-organized books have the visual effect of enlarging the space. There are no overhead lights on the top of the room, and the overall lighting atmosphere is basically created by the combination of richly layered light strips, table lamps and floor lamps, which also gives the space a different focus; the wide range of objects turns out to have a stage dedicated to them, and different corners are staging different story scripts. The designer used a diversified and orderly space so that all the elements that Yueyue likes can coexist harmoniously. The space has both simple and clean lines and a slight sense of drama. From the first floor to the second, the walls of the entire home are covered with art paint, and the overlap of beige gray and dirty orange adds some playfulness to the wabi-sabi atmosphere. On the second floor, a freestanding artificial stone bathtub is unexpectedly placed on the side of the master bedroom bed, which is special and harmonious. The walls and floors are painted in a dirty orange color throughout the house, and the designer aims to use color blocks to emphasize the presence of this space and make it visually distinct from the sleeping space. The orb-shaped wall lamp emits charming light in the bathing area, making the bath before bedtime a ritual, just like a vacation.