Minimal canvas in avocado color
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 80
  • 完成日期 : 2022-04-30    Completion Date : 2022-04-30
  • 设计师 : 何清雅   Designer : He Qingya
  • 摄影 : 立明   Photographer : Li Ming
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NOTHING DESIGN工作室   Official Name : NOTHING DESIGN STUDIO
  • 官网/公众号 :
Minimal canvas in avocado color  牛油果色的极简画布
这是一套位于北京朝阳区的二手房改造项目,业主为一对新婚小夫妻,买下这间80㎡两室一厅作为他们的新居,考虑到原始户型没有严重缺陷并且预算有限,整体格局没有做出大的变动,仅将厨房与卫生间两部分拆除并重新规划,以满足年轻人的使用习惯。整个空间被定调为治愈、放松略带度假感的居家氛围。空间以开放式的手法整合客餐厅功能,把西厨、用餐、社交和收纳等功能叠加到开敞式空间,牛油果色通顶高柜将冰箱藏入其中,一体隐藏式设计保证视觉平整度的同时,足够的冷藏空间也满足了年轻人囤积美食的习惯。光、皮质、中古家具, 空间历经新与旧,在开放的心态中得以重构。空间以几何的形式对陈设秩序进行拆分。以‘静物’的插入概念衔接室内外的场景互动,加以利用楼层本身的高度,强化立面采光,让围坐式的社交氛围更加自然,同时递进了与室外的日常情景交互的伸展。形式与功能并重,同时反推二者之间的关系,达到起居空间的真实体验感。全屋追求极简的同时并不缺乏视觉层次,定制床箱和床头采用和地板呼应的原木肌理,自然的纹路为空间注入恰到好处的度假感,既是卧室也是去风格化的精神疗愈屋。牛油果绿贯穿全案,让居住空间获得色块上的连续性。
This is a second-hand house renovation project located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. The owners are a newlywed couple who bought this 80m2 two-room apartment as their new home, and considering that the original layout has no serious defects and the budget is limited, no major changes were made to the overall layout. The whole space was designed to be a healing, relaxing and slightly resort-like atmosphere. The avocado-colored high ceiling cabinet hides the refrigerator, and the hidden design ensures the visual flatness and enough refrigeration space to meet the young people's habit of hoarding food. Light, leather and Chinese antique furniture, the space has been reconstructed with an open mind through new and old. The space is divided in a geometric form for the order of furnishings. The concept of 'still life' is inserted to bridge the interaction between indoor and outdoor scenes, and the height of the floor itself is used to strengthen the light on the façade, making the social atmosphere of sitting around more natural, and at the same time extending the interaction with the outdoor daily scenes. Form and function are given equal importance, while the relationship between the two is pushed back to achieve a real sense of experience in the living space. The whole house pursues minimalism without lacking visual hierarchy. The custom-made bed box and bed head use the original wood texture echoing the floor, and the natural grain injects the space with the right sense of vacation, which is both a bedroom and a de-styled spiritual healing house. Avocado green is used throughout the project, giving the living space a continuity of color blocks.