Original wood color home 原木色的家
项目位于北京市海淀区清华附近的一栋老住宅楼中。设计时希望营造出有空间感,简洁,温暖的感受,大面积使用了木色既营造自然温馨的氛围,也和业主温和的性格很像。在装修过程中出现任何问题,业主都会说“听设计师的”,也是因为业主的信任才会有这套项目完整的落地。空间的材质从进门延续到客厅,墙面使用了带有肌理感的浅灰色艺术漆,地面大面积橡木色地板,电视柜也定制了橡木色吊柜。橘色沙发为经典款PK31,茶几桌面为黄洞石,藤编椅为Marcel Breuer设计经典款,电视柜角落放置了PH3台灯,所有的家具都带金属元素,给人和谐又有精致的感觉。橡木色电视柜和右侧的换鞋凳下方都布置了灯带,作为客厅的氛围光,温暖又有层次感。客厅侧面从左到右分布了三个区域,玄关,厨房,客卧 就像在墙上塞进三个“盒子“,三个盒子各自承载着功能性,材质和比例也尽量保持和谐。
The project is located in an old residential building near Tsinghua in Haidian District, Beijing. The design wanted to create a sense of space, simplicity and warmth, and the large area of wood color not only created a natural and warm atmosphere, but also resembled the gentle character of the owner. The owner will say "listen to the designer" when any problem arises during the renovation process, and it is because of the owner's trust that the project is complete. The material of the space continues from the entrance to the living room, the walls use light gray art paint with a sense of texture, the floor is a large area of oak-colored flooring, and the TV cabinet is also customized oak-colored hanging cabinet. The orange sofa is the classic PK31, the coffee table top is yellow travertine, the wicker chair is the classic Marcel Breuer design, and the PH3 lamp is placed in the corner of the TV cabinet. All the furniture has metal elements, giving a harmonious and exquisite feeling. The oak-colored TV cabinet and the right side of the shoe changing bench are arranged with light strips underneath as the ambient light of the living room, which is warm and layered. The side of the living room is divided into three areas from left to right: entrance, kitchen, and guest bedroom. It's like stuffing three "boxes" into the wall, each carrying its own function, and the materials and proportions are kept in harmony as much as possible.