artistic spiritual field
  • 城市 : Sanya
  • 面积 : 1200m²
  • 完成日期 : 2022-01-07    Completion Date : 2022-01-07
  • 设计师 : 徐晶磊   Designer : Jinglei Xu
  • 摄影 : 叶松   Photographer : Song Ye
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 慢珊瑚设计   Official Name : slow coral design
  • 官网/公众号 : 慢珊瑚设计   Website/Official Accounts : slow coral design
artistic spiritual field  艺术性精神场域
艺术从来不是一种风格,生活需要更多的诠释 ,空间将创造出更多的空间,在这其中留白是一切的开始。 ——慢珊瑚寄语 Art is never a style Life needs more interpretation Space will create more space,White space in this is where it all starts。 --Message from Slow Coral 三亚,一个不存在时间与四季的岛屿,四季温暖,景色宜人,仿若一片自由净土,使旅居于这的人,能够汲取片刻的安宁。 Sanya, an island without time and four seasons, is warm in four seasons and pleasant scenery. It is like a free and pure land, so that people living here can absorb a moment of peace. 未见青山系列的一切以多元、去边界化出发,在一定程度上,将大多数人对理想生活的追求进行不同诠释,在经历过时间沉淀后,慢方舍来到了这里。 Everything in the Unseen Qingshan series is based on diversity and de-boundary. To a certain extent, it interprets most people's pursuit of an ideal life in different ways. After experiencing the precipitation of time, Slow Fangshe came here. 不同于未见青山前期系列野趣的设计,本次将展现东方极简人文精神与当代艺术的相融,摇曳的椰树林所带来的海边度假氛围,更贴近艺术生活的本质,塑造出一个宜人居住的精神场域。 Different from the wild designs in the previous series of green hills, this time will show the fusion of oriental minimalist humanistic spirit and contemporary art. The seaside holiday atmosphere brought by the swaying coconut grove is closer to the essence of artistic life, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The spiritual field of residence. 在设计时,通过对光影的捕捉,自然氛围的营造,艺术与美学的相互浸润,消弭了实有的空间隔阂以及边界感,赋予空间温润柔和、静谧安然的魅力。 In the design, through the capture of light and shadow, the creation of natural atmosphere, and the mutual infiltration of art and aesthetics, the existing space barriers and sense of boundaries are eliminated, and the space is endowed with a gentle, soft, quiet and peaceful charm. 静谧、克制、理性的线条,蕴藏着当代设计所赋予空间有机的生命力。对生活的态度,品味与追求,在空间中得到完美诠释。 The quiet, restrained and rational lines contain the organic vitality of the space endowed by contemporary design. The attitude, taste and pursuit of life are perfectly interpreted in the space. 当代家具与艺术挂画,大面积暖色调的木纹地砖,中和纯白空间带来的清冽气息,不同肌理质地相互碰撞,使其呈现出温暖平和之意。 Contemporary furniture and art paintings, large-area warm-toned wood-grain floor tiles, neutralize the refreshing atmosphere brought by pure white space, and different textures collide with each other, making it present a warm and peaceful meaning. 适当留白,是一种面对生活的态度。有了生活和情感的填充,艺术和精神的丰盈。空间,也就不再是一个单一的容器。 Appropriate blank space is an attitude towards life. With the filling of life and emotion, the abundance of art and spirit. Space is no longer a single container. 通过对空间、颜色、材质的塑造,赋予其优雅、包容的气质。创造出蕴含无限能量的“场域”。 Shape and give it an elegant and inclusive temperament. Create a "field" that contains infinite energy. 慢·方舍的重点在慢,让人在空间里沉静下来,赋予空间本身的属性和气质。来到这里,你只需放空自己,慢下来生活。 Slow·Fangshe focuses on slowness, allowing people to calm down in the space and giving the space its own attributes and temperament. Coming here, you just need to let go of yourself and slow down your life
Art is never a style Life needs more interpretation Space will create more space,White space in this is where it all starts。 --Message from Slow Coral Sanya, an island without time and four seasons, is warm in four seasons and pleasant scenery. It is like a free and pure land, so that people living here can absorb a moment of peace. Everything in the Unseen Qingshan series is based on diversity and de-boundary. To a certain extent, it interprets most people's pursuit of an ideal life in different ways. After experiencing the precipitation of time, Slow Fangshe came here. Different from the wild designs in the previous series of green hills, this time will show the fusion of oriental minimalist humanistic spirit and contemporary art. The seaside holiday atmosphere brought by the swaying coconut grove is closer to the essence of artistic life, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The spiritual field of residence. In the design, through the capture of light and shadow, the creation of natural atmosphere, and the mutual infiltration of art and aesthetics, the existing space barriers and sense of boundaries are eliminated, and the space is endowed with a gentle, soft, quiet and peaceful charm. The quiet, restrained and rational lines contain the organic vitality of the space endowed by contemporary design. The attitude, taste and pursuit of life are perfectly interpreted in the space. Contemporary furniture and art paintings, large-area warm-toned wood-grain floor tiles, neutralize the refreshing atmosphere brought by pure white space, and different textures collide with each other, making it present a warm and peaceful meaning. Appropriate blank space is an attitude towards life. With the filling of life and emotion, the abundance of art and spirit. Space is no longer a single container. Slow·Fangshe focuses on slowness, allowing people to calm down in the space and giving the space its own attributes and temperament. Coming here, you just need to let go of yourself and slow down your life Shape and give it an elegant and inclusive temperament. Create a "field" that contains infinite energy.