Sun house,Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province—Let the space breathe freely
  • 城市 : 浙江省温州市   City : Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province
  • 面积 : 285平方   Area : 285
  • 完成日期 : 2022-04-03    Completion Date : 2022-04-03
  • 设计师 : 杜文渊   Designer : Du Wenyuan
  • 摄影 : 吴昌乐   Photographer : Wu Changle
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 文渊设计工作室   Official Name : Wenyuan Design Studio
  • 官网/公众号 : 无   Website/Official Accounts : there is no
Sun house,Wenzhou City,Zhejiang Province—Let the space breathe freely  浙江温州孙宅—让空间自由呼吸
设计师一直在探索空间与居住者的关系。居住者被空间所包裹,感知舒适与自由。空间因居住者的到来,变得多样而特别。基于居住者的诉求展开设计与思考,打破固有的格局,让设计融入生活,不着痕迹。注入平和而坚定的设计力量,引导内在的情绪表达,摒弃过多的装饰,追求空间本身的纯粹与韵律。 设计伊始就笃定保留的客厅阳台,从打开移门的刹那,空间没有了界限,将城市的繁华与江岸的辽阔引入眼帘,成为家的一部分。 在入户时就设计洄游动线,将玄关、客厅、餐厨区、书房、卧室等区域贯通,将大量储物空间潜藏于墙壁之中,化于无形。 洞石餐桌、木框布艺餐椅、藤编吧台椅、白色岩板,在同一个空间、不同材质的碰撞,丰富了空间的内在属性。 推门而入,极具立体感的主卧床和米白色的床品,个性的床头柜搭配飞碟吊灯,每一处空间经过设计师的打磨,无一不透露着自然、舒贴的味道。 例如在移门中嵌入一块小灯芯玻璃,在丰富了空间质感的同时,也呈现出恬静、舒适的居家环境。 在女儿房中,粉色的墙面搭配白色云朵灯、山楂红绒布硬包,加以白色华夫格窗帘的点缀,有少女的温婉细腻。
Designers have been exploring the relationship between space and residents. Residents are surrounded by space and feel comfortable and free. Space becomes diverse and special due to the arrival of residents. Design and think based on the demands of residents, break the inherent pattern, and integrate design into life without trace. Inject peaceful and firm design power, guide internal emotional expression, abandon excessive decoration, and pursue the purity and rhythm of space itself. At the beginning of the design, the living room balcony was firmly reserved. From the moment the sliding door was opened, the space had no boundaries, bringing the prosperity of the city and the vastness of the river bank into the eyes and becoming a part of the home. When entering the house, the migration line is designed to connect the porch, living room, kitchen area, study, bedroom and other areas, hiding a large amount of storage space in the wall and making it invisible. Cave stone dining table, wood frame cloth dining chair, rattan bar chair, white rock board, in the same space, the collision of different materials enriches the internal properties of the space. Push the door and enter, the master bedroom with a very three-dimensional feeling and beige bedding, the personalized bedside table with UFO chandeliers, every space after the polishing of the designer, all reveal the taste of nature and comfort. For example, embedding a small wick glass in the sliding door not only enriches the space texture, but also presents a quiet and comfortable home environment. In the daughter's room, the pink walls are decorated with white cloud lights, hawthorn red flannelette hard bags, and white waffle curtains, which are gentle and delicate for girls.