1989 Whisky Bar
1989 Whisky Bar
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shang hai
  • 面积 : 80平米   Area : 80
  • 完成日期 : 2022-03-01    Completion Date : 2022-03-01
  • 设计师 : 徐目一   Designer : MuYi Xu
  • 摄影 : 王正亚   Photographer : YaZheng Wang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 上海筑寸空间设计   Official Name : ZooCN Lab
  • 官网/公众号 : www.zoocnart.com
1989 Whisky Bar  1989 Whisky Bar
月圆月缺的诗意与遗憾,土地的不断干涸沙化,行星系的公转自转,动态的画面向人们展示时光流逝中的人力难以抗拒的世事变化。从月缺中提炼出"三角形",这种符号非常符合现代主义建筑的“少即是多"的造型美学,非常简洁,具有「对称」与「艺术」的完美结合。因此三角形也成为我们此次设计的重要元素。 The poetry and regret of the full moon, the drying and desertification of the land, the revolution and rotation of the planetary system, all of which compose the dynamic picture with the irresistible changes of human beings in the passage of time."Triangle" is extracted from the moon and wane to comply with the modeling aesthetics of "less is more" in modernist architecture. It is very simple with the perfect combination of "symmetry" and "art".Therefore, triangles also became an important element of our design. 三個顶点分别代表热情、亲密与承诺。斯丁伯格指出,很少人能够永久维持这种等边的三角形,热情、亲密、承诺这三种元素、会随着时间变化,其分量也因人而异,从而令爱情多彩多姿. 穿过廊道的三角形任意门,仿佛穿越了时空,从钢筋水泥中穿越到森林内,让人放下在城市里的伪装与疲意。 The three vertices represent passion, intimacy and commitment, since Steinberg points out that few people can maintain this equilateral triangle forever, they vary over time and weight from person to person, making love colorful.When passing through the triangular random door in the corridor, it seems to travel through time and space from the reinforced concrete to the forest, allowing us to put down the camouflage and fatigue in the city. 吧台的巨大橙色光芒三角形象征着热情,暖味, 光明以及未来。圆弧形的吧台与圆弧形的装置吊顶,环环相扣, 仿佛扭曲了时空转换了次元,到达顶面镜面内的另一个世界。 The large orange triangle at the bar symbolizes passion, warmth, light and the future.The circular arc bar and the device ceiling are linked as if twisted space and time to transform the dimension for reaching the top of the mirror in another world. 过道区域吊顶,是流消的时光,本该在地面的植物却生长在了天上,但是却不显矛盾,此刻不由产生怀疑,是我们变换了次元还是世界就本该如此。裂缝中生长的植物,与顶面垂钓的草木相呼应。好像都向往着彼此的人生,他敬佩着你的坚韧不屈,她向往着你的自由无拘,人不也同样如此吗? The ceiling of the corridor area is the time of passing away. The ground plants are growing in the sky without contradiction, which makes people doubt whether we have changed the dimension or the world should be like this.The plants growing in the cracks echo the plants fishing on the top, as if they are longing for each other's life. He admires your fortitude, she loves your freedom, and so do us.
月圆月缺的诗意与遗憾,土地的不断干涸沙化,行星系的公转自转,动态的画面向人们展示时光流逝中的人力难以抗拒的世事变化。从月缺中提炼出"三角形",这种符号非常符合现代主义建筑的“少即是多"的造型美学,非常简洁,具有「对称」与「艺术」的完美结合。因此三角形也成为我们此次设计的重要元素。 The poetry and regret of the full moon, the drying and desertification of the land, the revolution and rotation of the planetary system, all of which compose the dynamic picture with the irresistible changes of human beings in the passage of time."Triangle" is extracted from the moon and wane to comply with the modeling aesthetics of "less is more" in modernist architecture. It is very simple with the perfect combination of "symmetry" and "art".Therefore, triangles also became an important element of our design. 三個顶点分别代表热情、亲密与承诺。斯丁伯格指出,很少人能够永久维持这种等边的三角形,热情、亲密、承诺这三种元素、会随着时间变化,其分量也因人而异,从而令爱情多彩多姿. 穿过廊道的三角形任意门,仿佛穿越了时空,从钢筋水泥中穿越到森林内,让人放下在城市里的伪装与疲意。 The three vertices represent passion, intimacy and commitment, since Steinberg points out that few people can maintain this equilateral triangle forever, they vary over time and weight from person to person, making love colorful.When passing through the triangular random door in the corridor, it seems to travel through time and space from the reinforced concrete to the forest, allowing us to put down the camouflage and fatigue in the city. 吧台的巨大橙色光芒三角形象征着热情,暖味, 光明以及未来。圆弧形的吧台与圆弧形的装置吊顶,环环相扣, 仿佛扭曲了时空转换了次元,到达顶面镜面内的另一个世界。 The large orange triangle at the bar symbolizes passion, warmth, light and the future.The circular arc bar and the device ceiling are linked as if twisted space and time to transform the dimension for reaching the top of the mirror in another world. 过道区域吊顶,是流消的时光,本该在地面的植物却生长在了天上,但是却不显矛盾,此刻不由产生怀疑,是我们变换了次元还是世界就本该如此。裂缝中生长的植物,与顶面垂钓的草木相呼应。好像都向往着彼此的人生,他敬佩着你的坚韧不屈,她向往着你的自由无拘,人不也同样如此吗? The ceiling of the corridor area is the time of passing away. The ground plants are growing in the sky without contradiction, which makes people doubt whether we have changed the dimension or the world should be like this.The plants growing in the cracks echo the plants fishing on the top, as if they are longing for each other's life. He admires your fortitude, she loves your freedom, and so do us.