PIFO GALLERY is set in an ordinary industrial building — a regular closed concrete "box" with high ceilings and poor natural daylighting. For renovating the gallery, designer's primary consideration was to satisfy its functional demands while endowing the space with a captivating ambience and a unique visual identity, so as to improve the brand image of the gallery.
Based on the existing architectural form and structures, ARCHSTUDIO took "Funnel of Light" as the design concept. The design team opened the originally closed "box" to introduce multi-layer natural lights, and meanwhile reorganized circulation routes, structures and materials, thereby creating a natural, open and efficient space that integrates art exhibition, reception and office functions.
The first floor includes three separate yet connected exhibition halls. The design team utilized dense concrete rib beams to enhance the height of the interior space to the greatest extent. The section of rib beams is in trapezoidal shape. Lighting membrane is inserted in between beams, which adds soft artificial light source to the exhibition space.
The slanting walls shape a trapezoidal reception hall on 2F. It is set up for receiving VIP art collectors, equipped with kitchen, bathroom, leisure and meeting facilities. Daylight penetrates the skylights, and spreads down onto the oblique walls, forming a unique ritualistic reception space.