Yiche Atour Automobile Concept Hotel
  • 城市 : 中国 深圳   City : Shenzhen, China
  • 面积 : 1933㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-06-10    Completion Date : 2022-06-10
  • 设计师 : 李宝龙、南鸿天、陈小虎   Designer : Li Baolong、Nan Hongtian、Chen Xiaohu
  • 摄影 : 鲁哈哈   Photographer : Lu Haha
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 深圳市绽放品牌设计顾问有限公司   Official Name : BloomDesign
  • 官网/公众号 : www.zhanfangdesign.com
Yiche Atour Automobile Concept Hotel  深圳南山易车.亚朵汽车概念酒店
对于年轻客群而言,具有高颜值、高格调、重体验等标签的商业似乎更加具有吸引力。被称为互联网原住民的一代,Z世代的群体喜好和消费观念也在深刻影响着商业的创新方向和迭代方式。酒店作为传统服务业的代表,一些品牌也在与时俱进,在大胆创新中寻求突破,从过去单纯满足高品质睡眠到今天的综合体验型商业目的地,一些主题酒店或是小众精品酒店凭借个性、颜值、品质等成为年轻用户在度假旅行或商务旅程中的首选,亚朵酒店作为其中的代表品牌,广受市场好评。 亚朵酒店品牌委托BloomDesign绽放设计打造的“易车.亚朵汽车概念酒店”位于深圳南山。此次设计以汽车主题作为主要线索,融入当下年轻人喜欢的生活方式,突出空间的传播和社交属性。 随着社交新媒体的发展,口碑和传播也成为新商业关注的一个重要维度。也是年轻用户消费的一个重要参照标准。Z世代有着独立而又个性的身份标签,对于他们而言,“精神消费”是首要条件,在选择酒店时也如此。亚朵在实践中探索创新,与时俱进的理念也让亚朵成为年轻人心中青睐的酒店品牌。
For young customers, businesses with a good appearance, a unique style and an experience-centered atmosphere seem to be more attractive. Known as the generation of digital natives, the preferences and consumption habits of Generation Z are influencing profoundly the future direction of business innovation and transformation. As a traditional section of the service industry, some hotels are trying to keep up with the times and seek breakthroughs in bold innovation. More than simply guaranteeing high-quality sleep, as in the past, hotel brands are endeavoring to transform into a comprehensive experience-based destination. With unique personality, appearance and quality, some theme hotels or niche boutique hotels have become the first choice for young customers on vacation or business trips. Atour, a representative among them, is gaining acclaim from the market. Atour commissioned BloomDesign to conceive the Yiche Atour Automobile Concept Hotel, located in Nanshan, Shenzhen. The design focuses on the theme of car, incorporates the lifestyle appealing to young people nowadays, and highlights the communicative and social aspects of the space. As new social media develops, word-of-mouth and publicity have become an essential dimension of business strategies and an important criterion for the young customers. Generation Z has an independent and individualized identity. For them, "experience consumption" is a priority. This is also the case when choosing a hotel. Atour is exploring innovation in practice, and its concept of keeping up with the times has made it a favored hotel brand among young people.