Oriental One
融信万科中興路一號Oriental One
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 296m²   Area : 296㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-07-08    Completion Date : 2021-07-08
  • 设计师 : 葛亚曦   Designer : kot
  • 摄影 : 张大齐   Photographer : zhangdaqi
  • 官网/公众号 : LSDInteriorDesign
Oriental One  融信万科中興路一號Oriental One
上海,百年前的十里洋场,如今的国际大都会,魔都、金融中心、老上海滩、老洋房......任何一个标签下都藏着或惊心动魄、或深入人心的故事。而【中興路一號Oriental One 】恰好位于上海“一轴三带”的城市版图上,未来将成为上海摩登文化脉络的形象名片之一。 我们希望将那份上海深入骨髓的海派儒雅气质抽丝剥茧置入这个场景,并立于未来视角,将此定义为“第二居所”。跳脱传统的生活方式,介于家与会所之间,在设计上糅合家的气质但更关注社交功能,传递一种更现代的精英生活理念。 作为第二居所,在功能和风格上更不用设限。这里我们只保留了主卧和次卧,其他空间都用于社交和工作所用。整体的空间氛围是在家与会所之间,用软装物语拿捏两者之间的最佳平衡点。
Shanghai, a metropolis infested with foreign adventurer since a century ago, is now an international metropolitan with typical labels like “Magic City”, “Financial Center”, “the Bund”, the “Foreign-style Villas”… All kinds of exciting and memorable stories happened here. [Oriental One], which is located on the city landscape featured by “one axis and three belts”, will become the card to represent Shanghai’s modern culture. We hope to delicately include the deep-rooted avant-garde but unique “East Meets West” culture of Shanghai into this scenario and have defined it as “another home” from the perspective of future. It’s something different than traditional lifestyle and a place in-between of home and clubhouse. It’s designed to feel like home but with a little bit more emphasis on social connection, delivering a more modern concept of elite lifestyle. With the concept of “another home”, there is no restrictions on the functions and styles. Here, we only keep the master bedroom and the second bedroom, while other spaces are used for social connection and work purposes. Overall, the spaces are designed to be in-between of home and clubhouse, with the interior decoration carefully arranged to achieve the optimal balance.