Siji Minfu Restaurant (Maliandao)
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing, China
  • 面积 : 1260 ㎡ 
  • 完成日期 : 2020-10-31    Completion Date : 2020-10-31
  • 设计师 : 吴为   Designer : Wei Wu
  • 摄影 : 郑焰   Photographer : Yan Zheng
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : IN.X屋里门外设计    Official Name : IN.X Design
  • 官网/公众号 :
Siji Minfu Restaurant (Maliandao)  四季民福马连道店   
柱网间距5.6米35根立柱撑起原建筑空间,单层净空高度达到5.8米。规整空间、良好通风和卫生条件是原建筑的天然优势,巨大的四角柱帽与蜂窝屋面成为建筑内部的强符号特征。与此同时,新餐饮空间对坪效提升的需求也不得不被纳入设计考量。 为了留存原建筑对于餐饮空间而言宝贵的“超级体量”和大尺度的恢弘写意,设计师将内部空间拆解为两个互为负形空间的模块——一层开放区+二层F形环绕区,位于二层环绕区下方的空间则分布鸭炉、后厨、包房等闭合功能空间。 通过东西两处楼梯的连接,空中环游廊道将整个餐厅面貌收入视野,雕塑感强烈的扶梯折线上升,作为构成动线的功能部件以外也是空间中的视觉焦点。 行至首层鸭炉上方的二层“舞台”,360度开放场景使人置身于盛大开阔的“殿宇”——立柱高耸斑驳、“穹顶”向上挑起、立面将新旧材料接续。巨大的空间留白被释放,餐厅体验在这一刻被拉向峰值。
The 35 columns with gaps of 5.6 meters support the original building, and the single-story height reaches 5.8 meters. With the advantages of structured space, good ventilation, and sanitary conditions, the original building is featured with a huge four-corner cap and honeycomb roof. At the same time, the demand for improved floor efficiency of the new dining space has to be taken into consideration in the design. To preserve the precious super volume and large scale of the original building, the designer dismantled the interior space into two modules as negative space for each other, including an open area on the first floor and the F-shaped roundabout area on the second floor. Under the roundabout area, it is the closed functional space composed of duck stoves, kitchen, and private rooms. Through the connection between the east and west stairs, the corridor makes the entire restaurant come into view. When the escalator with strong sculptural sense rises up, it acts as a functional part that constitutes the moving line, and it is also the visual focus of the space. Up to the second-floor stage above the duck stove, the 360-degree open scene puts people in the grand and open "temple", where the columns are tall and mottled, connected with new and old materials. A huge blank space has remained, thus, the experience in the restaurant reaches the best at this moment.