  • 城市 : 成都市   City : Chengdu City
  • 面积 : 200平方米   Area : 200 sq.m.
  • 完成日期 : 2022-03-01    Completion Date : 2022-03-01
  • 设计师 : 李雪   Designer : Snow
  • 摄影 : ICY   Photographer : ICYWORKS
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 成都润舍纳图装饰设计有限公司   Official Name : RESOLUTE INTERIOR DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 : RESOLUTE空间设计
一段理想的浪漫,终落脚于专属于“我们”的咖啡馆,依托着杨姐与梁总夫妻二人经营的美克美家家具展厅,在成都富森3号馆的喧嚣里,如一方遗世独立的精神净土, 启迪着设计的思维,唤醒了灵感的脉络。 穿越城市的喧嚣,忽然便行置于美克咖啡的慢咖室界。深藏于闹市的纯粹幽郁,现代情调统领下的诗卷古朴,既是主理人由品牌生活美学生发的空间体验,亦是慢生活精神信仰的链接。  老榆木的朴拙质感得年轮之恩赐,取自于大自然中最无私奉献的再生资源库,木色调的温暖,生意蕴,筑高格,治愈力满级,让一眼近人成为空间亲和的底色。 以大量绿植的形式被邀入空间,呼吸间留驻了四季的风情,将温暖与生命力双重性情赋予空间,成为打通每一道界限的通关密码。  
01 born in the wild Embrace nature in the city, integrate art into the noise in life, and enjoy the world's laziness Passing through the noise of the city, you suddenly come into the slow coffee room of mecco coffee. The pure gloom hidden in the downtown area and the ancient and simple poetry volume under the command of modern sentiment are not only the spatial experience of the manager from the brand life beauty students, but also the link of the slow life spiritual belief.   The simple and unsophisticated texture of the old elm is a gift of the rings, and is derived from the most selfless renewable resource pool in nature. The warmth of the wood tone, the business connotation, the building of the high grid, and the healing power are full of levels, so that people close to the eye can become the background color of space affinity. It was invited into the space in the form of a large number of green plants, and the breath of the four seasons remained. The dual temperament of warmth and vitality was given to the space, which became the pass code to open every boundary.    02 invite guests of light and shadow ceremony Record the days when "life" and "love" are together, and treat them with beautiful scenery and delicious food With an open attitude, the space warmly embraces the city, embraces the world's best lovers, and sincerely invites friends. There is a degree of opening and closing, a boundary and a separation. No matter how noisy and bustling the outside, you can listen to the rain with light and fragrance.