China Rescourses - Rescourses Mansion
  • 城市 : 嘉兴   City : Jiaxing
  • 面积 : 1000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-06-17    Completion Date : 2022-06-17
  • 设计师 : 沈恩密   Designer : Amy Shen
  • 摄影 : 麒文摄影   Photographer : QiWen photography
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 之恩设计事务所   Official Name : ZN DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 :
China Rescourses - Rescourses Mansion  华润·润府
时代不断更迭,而我们该怎样与过去建立链接?城市更新的快周转和高效能,带来无数次的记忆重启,更在与时间的抗衡与复兴中见证一次次的变革。 一条链接城市新老中心的南北纵向生命线,将嘉兴这座城市文脉的新与旧串联起来。而项目的位置正巧坐落于这种交替的节点上,承接了这种厚重与发展的双重身份。斯卡帕讲到,人与动物最大的区别在于:人有历史感。新与旧既非笨拙的模仿,也不是张扬的划清界限,而是充满了生命力的延续。 ZN之恩设计立足于对这种变化的感知,试图通过光、色、空间及交错的序列感的构建。以世纪为轴心、时间为线索,在探求经典与永恒的过程中,运用水平和垂直构件、围合与限定空间、极简的形式与材质表现,营造空灵而通透的“流动空间”,打造具有未来感的经典美学场域。 探究未来的发展趋势,如何链接各领域的空白地带,将不曾相关的N个领域的重叠地带,形成一个新的多元的商业组合空间。设计从当下亚文化的俚语中发现价值,发现人们将大量的时间投入到爱好中去,形成不可思议的丰富社群生活形态,咖啡、音乐、书与花朵、文创艺术应运而生。
Times are changing, and how do we connect to the past? The fast turnover and high efficiency of urban renewal have brought about countless memory resets, and witnessed changes again and again in the struggle against time and revival. A north-south longitudinal lifeline linking the city's old and new centers connects the old and new in Jiaxing's urban context. The location of the project happens to be located on this alternating node, which carries on the dual identity of thick and development. The biggest difference between humans and animals, Scarpa says, is that humans have a sense of history. The new and the old are neither clumsy imitation nor overt demarcation, but a continuation full of vitality. ZN's design is based on the perception of this change, trying to construct a sense of light, color, space and interlaced sequence. With century as the axis and time as the clue, in the process of exploring classics and eternity, horizontal and vertical components, enclosed and limited space, minimalist form and material expression are used to create an ethereal and transparent "flowing space" and create a classic aesthetic field with a sense of the future. Explore the future development trend, how to link the blank areas of various fields, will not be related to the N overlapping areas, to form a new diversified business portfolio space. The design finds value in the slang of the current subculture, and finds that people devote a lot of time to their hobbies, forming an improbably rich community life form. Coffee, music, books and flowers, and cultural and creative art come into being.