Return to the mansion
  • 城市 : 温州·瑞安   City : Wenzhou Ryan
  • 面积 : 120㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-28    Completion Date : 2021-12-28
  • 设计师 : 池旻烨   Designer : Chi min ye
  • 摄影 : 吴昌乐   Photographer : Wu Changle
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 榀象设计   Official Name : Truse image design
  • 官网/公众号 : 榀象设计   Website/Official Accounts : Truse image design
Return to the mansion   归邸
归家即归心,年年有风风吹年年,慢慢即漫漫。与家相关的光阴里,恨不能慢一点,再慢一点。慢到时针暂停,心无涟漪,慢到纵使外界斗转星移,你我皆不动如山。这世间山河与我何干,唯愿沉醉温柔乡,做一个隐居于市的“高人”。客厅与餐厅经玄关连成一线,彼此之间全无隔断,光线得以从两头一路延伸,不做打断,终以交汇于玄关处,整体空间明暗相宜,层次渐明。白为静,亦为净,在相似的色彩尺度内层层把握,浓淡交映,空间被划分出深浅不一的块面,块面之间彼此承托敲打,终化作一杯细腻奶沫,铺陈进空间的情感基调中。转入卧室,温润细腻的木地板托起空间的温暖基调,米色,浅灰,素白……低饱和度的色彩层叠之间,话语也渐向缱绻,光亦转而暧昧,与家人簌簌低语,漫漫长夜,慢慢交心。 生活慢慢,偏于宁静。 风吹过隙,寂寥无声。 日子便在这反反复复的重复中, 不断开出令人惊喜的鲜花。
Home to return home is the heart, year after year wind blowing year after year, slowly is long. In the time related to home, I can not slow down, a little slower. Slow to the hour hand pause, the heart without ripples, slow to even if the outside world moves, you and I do not move like a mountain. This world mountains and rivers and I what dry, only willing to indulge in gentle township, do a seclusion in the city "superior". Sitting room and dining-room classics porch connect into a line, there is no partition between each other completely, the light can extend all the way from both ends, do not do interrupt, converge with porch place eventually, integral space is light and shade appropriate, administrative level is bright gradually. White is static, also be net, in the similar color scale layer upon layer grasp, hand in light, the space is divided into the block of different shades, between each other, eventually into a cup of delicate milk foam, spread into the emotional tone of the space. Turn into the bedroom, warm and delicate wood floor supports the warm tone of the space, beige, light gray, plain white... between the colour layer of low saturation, words also gradually to tender, light also turns ambiguous, whisper with family, long night, slowly heart. Life is slow, but rather quiet. The wind blew through the gap, lonely and silent. The days are in these repetition, Constantly blooming surprising flowers.