  • 城市 : 杭州   City : HangZhou
  • 面积 : 295㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-07-15    Completion Date : 2022-07-15
  • 设计师 : 沈恩密   Designer : Amy Shen
  • 摄影 : 感光映画   Photographer : Mconcept
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 之恩设计事务所   Official Name : ZN DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.zn.design
ZS ART  之上艺术中心
后疫情时代,人与艺术的关系也将被重新看待,艺术品正在打破物理限制,以不同媒介突破与人的隔离感,之恩设计将艺术中心,视作一个交流的窗口,鼓励保持乐观的天性和对未来的期待和希望。用艺术,能够拂去灵魂被世俗沾染的尘埃。 作为一家全新的艺术中心,“ZS ART 之上艺术“,选址于杭州钱塘江畔一线江景CBD,一半有着美术馆的宁静,一半有着钱塘江的城市景观。经过全新设计后兼具艺术与现代设计风格,在江面的包裹之下,既拥有着人文城市的独特韵味,又凝聚着杭州发展中丰富的国际化历程。 一半美术馆的设计和主题“帐幕”一词,来自圣经启示录里的帐幕这一意象,用以形容神在人间与人同在的居所,是圣洁、朴素、无垢之地,寓意纯洁和保护……
In the post-epidemic era, the relationship between people and art will also be re-viewed. Works of art are breaking physical limitations and sense of isolation for people with different media. The design regards the art center as a window for communication, encouraging optimism and the expectations. Art is able to brush away the dust of the soul contaminated by the worldly matters. As a brand new art center, "ZS ART" is located in the CBD by the Qiantang River in Hangzhou. Half of the space has the tranquility of an ART museum, and the other half has the urban landscape view of the Qiantang River. It has both artistic and modern design style, and it is under the natural view of the river. It has not only the unique charm of a humanistic city, but also the rich internationalization process of Hangzhou's development. The design of the half gallery and the theme of "tabernacle" are from the image of the tabernacle in the Revelation of the Bible, which is used to describe God's dwelling place in the world. It is a holy, simple, unsultry place, meaning purity and protection.