• 城市 : 浙江 温州   City : Wenzhou, Zhejiang
  • 面积 : 177㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-11-02    Completion Date : 2021-11-02
  • 设计师 : 翁雅静   Designer : Weng Yajing
  • 摄影 : 康小居   Photographer : Kang Xiaoju
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 康居装饰   Official Name : Kang ju decoration
  • 官网/公众号 : 康居设计   Website/Official Accounts : Kang Ju design
真正适合生活的居家空间第一要义便是回归到生活本身于生活中体悟温馨蕴意,入户区域,以弧形的光晕开篇,空间被曲线划分出温柔的几何块面,留下关于家的“初印象”,优雅而有趣,生动且活泼。随着脚步的深入,空间的明暗浓淡因着结构本身,而产生富有层次感的变化。以大面积的奶油白为底,强调温柔而有力量感的感知。光阴被承载于温厚的木质里,时光被雕琢,被呈现,且随着日常的使用,木头上会产生各不相同的痕迹,最终变成一个家的底蕴……尊重空间结构本身的高低错落,仿佛一曲富有节奏感的乐章。 空间与空间之间,不做强硬的隔断,而是留下镂空的视觉延伸,欲拒还迎,欲语还休,令人欲罢不能。“空山新雨后,天气晚来秋”,虽是在这城市中,不能感受到山涧中的清新空气,但巨大的落地窗,也将这满城的风雨尽数笼罩。卧室空间,不做过多的情景规划,而是将一切交予自然而然。整体空间里,贯穿了大量拱门和曲面元素来营造建筑感,既柔美,又不失力量。空间中如奶茶般流淌的光线,讲述着空间的语言,在喧嚣的城市生活中,另辟蹊径,寻求安宁,一如这晚风慢慢,带着些微温柔的凉意,驱散
The first meaning of the home space is to return to the life itself in the life to understand the warm meaning, enter the household area, start with the arc halo, the space is divided into gentle geometric blocks by the curve, leaving the "first impression" about the home, elegant and interesting, vivid and lively. With the deepening of the pace, the light and shade of the space because of the structure itself, and produce a rich sense of hierarchy changes. A large area of cream white base, emphasize the gentle and powerful perception. Time is carried in the warm wood, time is carved, is presented, and with the daily use, the wood will produce different traces, and eventually become a home heritage... respect the spatial structure itself, like a rhythmic movement. Between the space and the space, do not do strong partition, but leave hollow out visual extension, want to refuse to still welcome, want to language still rest, make a person can not stop."After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late to autumn.". Although it is in this city, you can not feel the fresh air in the mountain stream, but the huge French Windows will also cover all the wind and rain in the city. Bedroom space, do not do too much scene planning, but will give everything to the natural. In the whole space, a large number of arches and curved elements run to create a sense of architecture, both soft and power. The light flowing like milk tea in the space, telling the language of the space, in the hustle and bustle of the city life, find a new way, seek peace, just as this evening wind slowly, with some slightly gentle cool, disperse