Dongyi Hotel
  • 城市 : 敦煌   City : Dunhuang
  • 面积 : 4.2万平方米   Area : 42,000 square meters
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-28    Completion Date : 2021-12-28
  • 设计师 : 陈向京   Designer : Chen Xiangjing
  • 摄影 : 雷坛坛   Photographer : Lei Tantan
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 京·设计工作室   Official Name : Jing · Design studio
  • 官网/公众号 : 京·设计工作室   Website/Official Accounts : Jing · Design studio
Dongyi Hotel  东驿酒店
在北纬40度这条世界名城频出的神奇横轴上,贯穿着丝绸之路上的明珠——敦煌。 东驿酒店就坐落于此,酒店借鉴敦煌“土墙”“晾房”等传统西北居民的形制,使用夯土建筑工艺以当地生产的泥坯筑成,从而使建筑从容“隐”于周边整体环境,犹如从自然生长出来。酒店套房带有露台,错落有致,可以看向远方的鸣沙山与文博园。高低不同的客房仿佛置身于凹凸有致的沙漠之中,客房与沙地之间形成不同的关系:半下沉的建筑,瓦解了两层建筑的突兀感。酒店建筑群内还包括美术馆、艺术家工作室等不同功能的区域设计。
The pearl of the Silk Road, Dunhuang, runs through the magical horizontal axis of the world's famous cities at 40 degrees north latitude. Dongyi Hotel is located here. The hotel draws on the traditional forms of Northwest residents, such as Dunhuang "earth wall", and uses the beautiful earth construction technology to build with local mud, so as to make the building easily "hidden" in the surrounding environment, as if it had grown out of nature. The suites are furnished with terraces that look out over the sandy hills and the Cultural Garden. The guest rooms with different heights seem to be placed in the concave and convex desert, forming different relationships between the guest rooms and the sand: the semi-sunken building disintegrates the abruptness of the two-story building. The hotel complex also includes art galleries, artist studios and other areas designed for different functions.