Heyue Restaurant
  • 城市 : 西安   City : Xi'an
  • 面积 : 750㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-04-15    Completion Date : 2022-04-15
  • 设计师 : 党明   Designer : Dang Ming
  • 摄影 : 谭啸 / 十摄影工作室    Photographer : Tan Xiao
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 红山设计   Official Name : HONG Designworks
  • 官网/公众号 : 红山设计 HONGdesignworks   Website/Official Accounts : HONGdesignworks
Heyue Restaurant  和悦·荟馆和牛火锅西安曲江店
在和悦.荟馆中,设计师党明以厚重的历史为背书,从色彩和形式入手题眼,提炼李唐精神中繁荣、自信、浓丽的一面。设计师不浮于历史表象和语义符号,在摩登时代重新诠释古都 Old Money 中奢华、谦和的气质。以当代新装饰主义风格,提炼传统并超越传统。建筑融贵、简、雅、奢为一体,在对立的色彩和材质、不同的风格间创造出和谐独特之美。 和悦.荟馆位于西安城东南部,为唐代著名的曲江皇家园林所在地。设计师取大唐古典、温煦、璀璨之意象,相地构园、营厅造轩,复李唐繁奢之旧景,享人间满座之清欢。设计师以大面积的落地玻璃幕墙,模糊室内外边界,将入口处“隐藏”在林间,借来浓郁的林荫,使建筑与景观自然合二为一。中式的新装饰艺术风格(Art Deco)被刻画于略显凹凸的屋檐饰面之间,设计师以黄铜勾勒朱红门面,让建筑游走在中式的经典沉稳和现代极简主义之中。 设计师以朱漆窗牖,墨绿纱帐、青砖黛石,现建筑中雍容、古典的一面。强烈的对比色唤起的是大唐遗文中的繁荣和自信、包容及热烈。檐下勾勒的彩色纹饰,则隐隐透出精致奢华质感。墨绿的瓷砖与窗牖的格纹带来了中式的装饰艺术风格,它们衔接了对传统文化、复杂工艺的迷恋,和工业机器时代的简约提炼。在一楼公区,他以最高水准表现了这种特质。红彤色琉璃吊灯散发出的魅力布满了整个空间,沉郁的历史感瞬间被唤醒、被点亮。 如气泡般轻盈通透,如植物般有机鲜活,充满生命力和诗意。设计师以现代语义定格了如泡影般浮生梦幻瞬间。单一的材质通过多变的形态和秩序规划之后,瞬间唤起激情和逻辑的共鸣。材质的极简解放了色彩和形态的强烈表达,非秩序与秩序、理性与感情,在独特和谐之间得到了一个完美的平衡力。 设计师以当代品味和工艺与传统对话,当人们顺着吊灯的形状看向绘着复杂图案的梁架时,体会到了前者几何的单纯乐趣,历史的复杂多变被限定在框架之内,成为一种“背书”。再被凝成一抹红色,被揉进光滑、易于解读的表面,人们从冗长的复杂性中回归到当代的简洁和可预测中来,却仍不失快乐和激情。 黄铜和深灰色的石砖地面在两种相互激烈碰撞的色彩之间求得和谐,石材的粗粝和拙朴平衡了雕花和纹饰的脆弱。空间既散发出精致、尊贵的历史脉络,亦能感受到自然的活力,不过于精雕细琢。将城市喧闹隔开来的,是半透明的绿纱和花艺盆景中点睛的一抹红。前台接待区犹如一个三进的小院,在层层隔断掩映下,并不急于让人看清,散发出神秘而笃定的气质。灯带勾勒出空间的体块,被强调了建筑最质朴的透视之美。硬朗的几何线条在空间碰撞,又被有机的花艺盆景柔和了边界。设计师以体块为布,肌理、色彩为画,将室内敛于浓郁奢华和温厚质朴之间。 纱帐虚无了焦点,设计师深谙东方文化中“隐逸”之趣,又以绛红碧绿刻画了唐文化中的包容和自信,设计师以肌理辅以色块,搭配青石、黄铜和木材之温煦,抚平红绿搭配中流于世俗的一面,场域光线低调而内敛,烘托出大胆色彩所表现出的 Old Money 的极致感受,形成一种全新的、融高贵与雅致为一体的新古典主义的美来。 红绡帐里,茜纱窗下。10 人包厢拥有极好的视野,窗外便是大片绿树浓荫,纱幔轻垂,与拉丝黄铜吊灯一起,增添些许风雅的同时,连接着这座城市历史的文脉,与当下的焕然新颜。包厢延续了新古典浪漫主义,重重的隔断与纱帐,带来梦里看花的朦胧美感。设计师以材质、色彩、器皿、艺术等诸方面入手,为场域营造精致、典雅奢华的氛围感。犹如导演了一个剧本,梳理出一场旧时深庭残梦,梦里新树深,紗痕薄似烟。 一层的四人桌由纱帐和布艺围绕,并由黄铜做骨架,或圆或方。设计师为阳光留下了通道,屋檐繁复的细节与布艺带来的大面积单纯色块形成对比,室内游走在通透和神秘性之间,若隐若现。位于四人台包厢上方的,是拱形的小型穹顶,空间回归至古典和质朴中来,并与圆弧状的隔断相呼应。阳光从一旁的玻璃天花中漏进来,因材质不同,光线晕染在布艺上,成为棉花糖絮般的云朵状,或照在黄铜隔断上,形成较为锋利的边界,美的张力经由材料获致。
In Heyue Restaurant, Designer Dang Ming takes the long history as the background, and starts from color and structure, to express the confidence and richness of Tang Dynasty spirit. The whole design does not float on historical appearances and elements but reinterprets the luxury and modesty of the ancient capital in the modern era. The contemporary neo-deco style refines tradition and transcends it. The space combines nobility, simplicity, elegance and luxury, creating a harmonious and unique beauty between opposing colors, materials and styles. Heyue Restaurant is in the southeastern part of Xi'an, where is the famous Qujiang Royal Garden of the Tang Dynasty. Designer took the classical, warm and radiant imagery of the dynasty and constructed a garden hall to restore prosperity and luxury. With a large floor-to-ceiling glass wall, the boundary between interior and exterior blurs and hides the entrance by taking advantage of the rich shade of the forest to make the building and the landscape become one. The reception area is like a small courtyard with three entrances, hidden by layers of partitions, exuding a mysterious aura. The designer uses the natural landscape as the key to represent the eclectic, rich and warm side of Tang culture. The Chinese Art Deco style is portrayed in the textured eave finishes, and the vermilion facade has been outlined in brass, allowing the building to move between calm classicism and modern minimalism. In the public area on the first floor, charm emanates from the red glazed chandelier. If red has always been an inseparable topic in Eastern culture, the sculptural chandelier must be one of those, reinterpreting the light, poetic and natural side of red. The dark green tiles and the latticework of the windows bring about a Chinese Art Deco style, bridging the fascination of traditions and intricate craftsmanship with the simplicity of the industrial era. The brass and dark gray stone tile floors harmonize between opposite colors, and the coarseness and rusticity of the stone balances the fragility of the carvings and ornamentation. The space exudes a refined and dignified historical atmosphere, but also feels the vitality of nature. Designer uses texture to complement the color blocks, with the warmth of lapis lazuli, brass and wood. Light is understated and introspective, bringing out the ultimate experience of bold colors, forming a new, neo-classical beauty. The VIP room continues the neoclassical romanticism, with layered partitions and gauze, bringing the hazy beauty. The designer started with materials, colors, utensils and art to create a sense of exquisite, elegant and luxurious atmosphere for the venue. The chandelier with a golden grid echoes the wall with curved lines and becomes the highlight. The designer discarded the heavy, old and rigid brass and discovered its light, flexible and classical side, thus echoing with the gauze, and the space is animated through its texture and the interweaving of countless fine grids. The outdoor tables are surrounded by gauze and fabric, and made of brass as a structure, either round or square. Sunlight spreads on the outdoor passage and the intricate details of the eaves contrast with the large simple color blocks brought by the cloth, wandering between permeability and mysteriousness.