Autumn Clouds
  • 城市 : 天津   City : tianjin
  • 面积 : 120平   Area : 120 sq
  • 完成日期 : 2022-08-15    Completion Date : 2022-08-15
  • 设计师 : 董靖葶   Designer : Jingting Dong
  • 摄影 : 梁昊天   Photographer : Haotian Liang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 末那识家宅设计   Official Name : Manas Design
  • 官网/公众号 : 末那识室内设计   Website/Official Accounts : Manas Design
Autumn Clouds   旻云
本案的项目名称叫做旻云,意为秋天的云,希望可以营造出一种温暖,柔软的空间质感。空间多用弧线和圆滑的曲面展开,如棉软的旻云,优雅温和,在简洁智慧中追求永恒。厨房与餐厅完全打通,做到视觉上的通透效果,实现了餐岛一体+洄游动线结构,厨房餐厅的使用效率与功能性得到提升。客厅磨圆的墙角具有引入效果,拱形穹顶的存在打破原本千篇一律的结构,两侧灯光增加了拱顶的结构感,营造出一种轻盈的漂浮状态。电视/沙发背景墙的弧形为这个空间提供了非常温柔柔软的质感。 家具的选择上,波浪以及弧形结构的白色布料,静谧且不争抢。不同形体的单椅摆放在一起,趣味性十足。
The project name is called Minyun, which means clouds in autumn, hoping to create a warm and soft spatial texture. The space is expanded with arcs and smooth curved surfaces, like cotton-soft clouds, which is elegant and gentle, and pursues eternity in simplicity and wisdom. The kitchen and the dining room are completely connected to achieve a visually transparent effect, realizing the integrated dining migratory line structure, and the use efficiency and functionality of the kitchen and dining room are improved. The rounded corners of the living room have an introduction effect. The existence of the vaulted dome ceiling breaks the original monolithic structure. The lights on both sides increase the structure of the vaulted ceiling, creating a light floating state. The curved shape of the TV background wall and the sofa background wall provides a very gentle and soft texture to this space. In the choice of furniture, white fabrics with wave and arc structure are quiet and not competing. Single chairs of different shapes are placed together, which is very interesting.