Aviva Photo Art Center
  • 城市 : 武汉   City : Wuhan
  • 面积 : 20000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-11-01    Completion Date : 2021-11-01
  • 设计师 : 张铉   Designer : Zhang Xuan
  • 摄影 : 梵镜·空间摄影 蔡唯   Photographer : Van Mirror · Space Photography CAI Wei
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 重塑构造   Official Name : Reshape Structur
  • 官网/公众号 : RESHAPE STRUCTUR 重塑构造设计   Website/Official Accounts : RESHAPE STRUCTUR
Aviva Photo Art Center  薇拉摄影艺术中心
如果把空间看作一个整体,那么空间中的装置与陈列,则是构成整体不可或缺的肌理。在艺术中心前厅的设计中,以“天梯”贯穿整个区域,带来无限的遐想。装置陈列在承载着空间区域功能的同时,也无时不刻地传递着艺术气息与文化底蕴。 天梯不断跃升变化,将空间的视觉旋律以具象形态展示出来。古韵之境与现代空间艺术相融合,绿植营造出舒适的自然氛围,与空间利落的线条相互映衬。 洽谈区以利落的线条搭配灰调空间,浩瀚视觉感官扑面而来。梦幻的云彩有天梯链接,破除引力,形成漫天之势。这既像是营造了一种史诗型的景观,贯穿整个空间,又如续写美丽神话故事,舞动中,是跃升、向上的姿态,更是人类浪漫怀想的层出不穷、绵延不尽。 镜面的变换折射出万千光影,选片区旨在打造私密人性化的空间,融入现代简约艺术手法,唤醒人们美好的婚照体验。高定珠宝区简洁错落式展柜设计,让每一件珠宝都如艺术品般呈现。 镜面无限折射的原理蔓延至整个试衣间,使得空间更具延伸感。变化的曲线译作一道空间灵感,将薇拉摄影的文化浸润其间,化为空间的烟波浩渺。 探索极致空间内的镜像呈现,通过合理的区域划分,将婚纱礼服的浪漫与美学推向极致,让每一份幸福感与仪式感稳稳沉淀。 整个空间充满着探索的趣味。一个随心的角度,便能抓取一个空间的完美截面。沿着扶梯拾级而上,流动的线条与体块相互碰撞,缓步二层好比上帝俯瞰芸芸众生,伴随天光的洒入,形成神圣与庄重的圣洁,给心灵以纯净洗涤。 妆造区整体采用低饱和的色调,营造自由无束的妆造氛围,细腻通透的材质搭配,把空间叠加,重组,创造出丰富的视觉感官。以多种结构方式,来探索空间的无限种可能性,使整体结构达到私密与开放的完美平衡。 球形大理石艺术装置,对空间环境的功能特征进行了定义。从空间形式的规律中,设计师追求更高阶段的审美价值和艺术体现。空间在大肆渲染之中,又能始终回归设计本质的原点。 『禾』字是生机盎然的体现,也是一粒麦穗最饱满最美好的时候,美术馆以『禾』字命名,是希望每一个人都应该生机勃发,自由且美丽,在这里感受生命与情感的绽放。 设计师以最纯粹的色彩渲染空间,打造一个充满生命力与艺术气息的影像展厅,至真至幻,如被神秘的时空包裹,浸润于被环抱的柔软之中,等待上帝之光的撒入与心灵的短暂治愈。
If the space is regarded as a whole, then the installation and display in the space are the indispensable texture of the whole. In the design of the front hall of the art center, the ‘sky ladder’ runs through the whole area, bringing infinite daydreams. The installation art not only carries the functions of the space, but also conveys the artistic atmosphere and cultural deposits. The ‘sky ladder’ constantly rises and changes, presenting the visual melody of space in concrete form. The atmosphere of ancient rhyme and modern space art are integrated, and the green plants create a comfortable natural style and set off each other with the neat lines. Gray meeting area with neat lines, vast visual sense leaves a strong impression. Ladder links dreamy clouds, breaking gravity, filling the whole sky. This is not only like to create a kind of epic landscape, but also like the continuation of a beautiful fairy tale, dancing, in rising, upward posture, as well as romantic thoughts emerging endlessly. The transformation of lights and shadow enables mirrors to reflect fantasy. Selection area aims to create a private and humanized space, and integrates modern simple artistic techniques to awaken people's beautiful romantic memory. The simple design of random display cases in the high-end jewelry area makes every piece of jewelry appear as art works. The dress area uses a vast tract of gray to match a colorful bouquet, which visually creates a strong color impact and gives the space a new artistic conception. Mirror infinite refraction spreads to the whole fitting room, making the space more extended. Curves change as inspiration, Aviva Photo features infiltrate into space. Explore refraction in the ultimate space, through reasonable regional division, pushing the romance and aesthetics of wedding dress to the extreme, so that every sense of happiness and ceremony stably precipitates. The whole space is full of fun to explore. A random angle can capture a perfect section of space. Walking along the stairway, the flowing lines and blocks collide with each other. The second floor with the sprinkling of daylight, the holy and solemn sanctity is formed to purify the soul. The whole makeup area adopts a low saturation tone to create a free and unrestrained makeup atmosphere. The delicate and transparent material collocation superposes and recombines the space to create a rich visual sense. In a variety of structural ways, to explore the infinite possibilities of space, so that the overall structure can achieve a perfect balance of private and open. The Chinese character "Wo" embodies vitality and is also the best time when a grain of wheat is at its fullest and most beautiful. The museum is named after the Chinese character "Wo" in the hope that everyone should be full of vitality, free and beautiful, and feel the bloom of life and emotion here. The designer renders the space with the purest colors to create an image exhibition hall full of vitality and artistic atmosphere, which is true and unreal, as if wrapped by mysterious time and space, soaking in the softness of being surrounded, waiting for the scattering of god's light and the temporary healing of the soul.