Interior design of private apartments of foreign enterprises in Beijing
  • 城市 : 北京市朝阳区   City : Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • 面积 : 360㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-07-01    Completion Date : 2021-07-01
  • 设计师 : 孙佳靓   Designer : Andy
  • 摄影 : 北京营造清美空间设计事务所   Photographer : Beijing Construction Qingmei Space Design Office
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 北京营造清美空间设计事务所   Official Name : Beijing Construction Qingmei Space Design Office
  • 官网/公众号 : qingmeikongjian
Interior design of private apartments of foreign enterprises in Beijing  北京外企公寓私宅室内设计
温馨的一家四口,360平米复式结构,跳脱传统的华丽繁复风,归于简约,归于平衡,归于想象力和热爱,归于鲜活的家庭气质,这是本次设计师的思路. 大户型的设计很容易陷入到繁琐的细节和空洞的形式当中,孙佳靓设计师则保持了他的思考:“设计作品需要在功能、美学、人性等角度给予使用者人性关怀,还原他们生活最原本的状态。”具体到这个家里,温馨和美的气息在一家四口的相处中弥漫,设计师想营造出与之相衬的空间气氛——如明玉一般,温润,矜贵,充满想象力和无穷乐趣,每个小细节都在展现着富足的内心世界和多层次的世界观。 “我希望通过设计,让每一位业主都可以悦心而栖,悦目而居。”
A warm family of four, 360 square meters of duplex structure, jump out of the traditional gorgeous complex style, return to simplicity, return to balance, return to imagination and love, and return to the fresh family temperament, which is the designer's idea. The design of large apartments is easy to fall into cumbersome details and empty forms, and Sun Jialiang maintained his thinking: "Design works need to give users humane care from the perspectives of function, aesthetics, and human nature, and restore the original state of their lives." "Specific to this home, the warmth and beauty of the atmosphere in the family of four together, the designer wants to create a space atmosphere that matches it - like Mingyu, warm, noble, full of imagination and endless fun, every small detail is showing a rich inner world and a multi-level world view." "I hope that through design, every owner can live and live happily."