  • 城市 : 成都   City : Chengdu
  • 面积 : 660   Area : 660㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-02    Completion Date : 2021-06-02
  • 设计师 : 出口勉\冈本庆三\方雪妮\邸俊巍   Designer : Deguchi Tsutomu \Okamoto Keizo \Fang Xueni \ Di J
  • 摄影 : 锐景摄影 —— 广松美佐江/宋昱明   Photographer : Ruijing Photo ——Misae Hiromatsu\Song Yuming
  • 官网/公众号 : 公众号:odd设计事务所   Website/Official Accounts : public address:odd设计事务所
odd受邀设计位于成都的一家高级怀石料理餐厅,餐厅名为“瑠璃”。 怀石料理由禅道发展而来,追求极致,表达食材本身,尊重自然,表现自然。而禅宗佛教自中国传入日本,其悠远的历史,远可追溯至盛唐时期,中日两国之间由此产生密切的交流联系。作为佛教宝物之一,明澈的瑠璃寄托了人们的美好愿景。在这样的背景下,设计更突出材料的真实感,采用传统制法与现代工艺结合的施工技艺,将场景营造为现实与历史交织的时空,“瑠璃”是这夜空中洒下的熠熠光辉,希望能为来访的宾客制造一场与自然交感,与食材交感的美好邂逅。 踏上餐厅入口,映入眼帘的立面是由日本传统的木工工艺——精细的云纹组子细工为表面饰面,底墙则为手工夯土墙面,敦实,强调砂石的颗粒感,两者形成鲜明对比,愈显肃穆庄重。入口通道一侧则由炭化竹子饰面,漫步其中有渐入竹林深处之感。
okamoto deguchi design is invited to design a KAISEKI cuisine in Chengdu, which is called "RURI". KAISEKI cuisine is developed from Zen which emphasizes the taste of the ingredients, respects and expresses nature. Zen Buddhism originated in China and spread to Japan that has a long history that can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. This has resulted in close exchanges and ties between China and Japan. As a treasure of Buddhism, RURI entrusts people's beautiful vision. Following the condition, the idea emphasizes the reality of materials and the construction technology mixed by the traditional manufacturing method and modern technology that creates the scene into a space-time interwoven with reality and history. RURI is the shining brilliance in the night sky, hoping to create a good encounter with nature and food materials for the visiting guests.