Beautiful home
  • 城市 : 浙江宁波   City : Ningbo
  • 面积 : 285平方米   Area : 285
  • 完成日期 : 2021-07-01    Completion Date : 2021-07-01
  • 设计师 : 李雪松   Designer : Li xuesong
  • 摄影 : 金像视觉   Photographer : Jinxiang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 洛沿空间建筑研究室   Official Name : L.ARCH SPACE
  • 官网/公众号 : 洛沿设计建筑研究室   Website/Official Accounts : L.ARCH SPACE
Beautiful home  睦颜·家的样子
睦颜·家的样子 这里的每一分每一秒都是美好的时光 01 落地窗带来美好景致 本项目坐落于港口城市,拥有得天独厚的一线江景。设计师充分发挥空间景观优势,用大面积的落地窗,让自然的景致成为空间最美的一面。 .02 温馨而宁静的客厅 设计师认为:家,不仅仅是一个容器,更是一艘大船,承载着人们的快乐和幸福。是漂泊者的避风港,心灵的驿站。 03 入户玄关 04 玄关 所以他为业主幸福的一家四口,设计了一处安详和睦的家园。让他们幸福的笑脸,成为家最美的样子。 05 客厅朝南,窗帘开合拥有不同的氛围 在空间设计中,设计师充分考虑男女业主的功能需求,和审美差异,通过自然的材质和简洁的设计,完成了一处充满温暖和爱的居所。 06 大面积的落地窗直面江景 客厅家具线条简洁,沙发板木结合,可以双向就坐。软装融入金属、棉麻、岩板、镜面等元素。.通透的玻璃窗将景色、光线和美好的心情引入空间,诠释优雅、空灵、纯粹的私宅美学概念。 07 临江日景 08 临江夜景 09 白色背景墙后面是隐形门 10 隐形门后面是小孩房 客厅白色背景墙上暗含玄机,走近它轻轻地推开,映入眼帘的是一片宝贝们的天地。 11 收纳空间 从玄关到客厅,温润的木色格栅和白色的板木,构建起一套建筑化的收纳体系,围绕着空间的边际,徐徐展开。 12 光影和氛围 空间的氛围,在自然光线的穿插变幻间,时而低调沉默,时而荡气回肠,时而通透迷离。 13 休闲椅 14 光影与空间 简练的线条、舒适的家具、纯粹的氛围……空间与环境在光的切换下,梳理着空间的秩序,升华着设计的主题。 15 建筑化的空间构成 对于这个项目而言,建筑性思维和功能主义主导着设计,也成为设计师理解空间,表达家的设计核心。 16 走廊端景 在细节和氛围表达上,设计通过注入艺术化的元素,让走廊如同艺术空间,提升了空间的张力和格调。 17 餐厅 餐厅是公共空间的延续,亦是家人交流感情的场所,通过皮质餐椅和圆桌的搭配,为这里带来了舒展的空间体验。 18 厨房 厨房是业主妈妈的主场,在设计上以功能为主,同时靠近餐厅,让美食能够第一时间送达家人的面前。 19 主卧拥有无敌江景 主卧临江而设,超大的玻璃窗将整条江面引入室内。真皮休闲椅,融合奢华的后现代家具,纯白的铁艺落地灯,呼应着浓郁休闲的风格走向,这里是生活中最静谧的港湾。 20 主卧化妆间
Every minute and every second here is a good time 01 Floor-to-ceiling Windows offer beautiful views The project is located in a port city with a unique first-line river view. Designers give full play to the advantages of space landscape, with a large area of French Windows, let the natural scenery become the most beautiful side of the space. 02 Warm and quiet living room Designers think: home is not only a container, but also a big ship, carrying people's happiness and happiness. A haven for the wanderer, a station for the soul. 03 Enter a porch 04 Porch So he designed a peaceful and harmonious home for the owner's happy family of four. Let their happy smiling faces become the most beautiful appearance of the home. 05 The living room faces south and the curtains open and close to have a different atmosphere In the space design, the designer fully considered the functional needs of the male and female owners, and aesthetic differences, through natural materials and simple design, to complete a warm and loving residence. 06 Large floor-to-ceiling Windows face the river The living room furniture has simple lines, and the sofa board is combined with wood, so you can sit in two directions. The soft decoration integrates elements such as metal, cotton and hemp, rock plate, mirror and so on The transparent glass window brings scenery, light and good mood into the space, interpreting the elegant, ethereal and pure aesthetic concept of private house. 07 Riverside sun view 08 Riverside night view The simple design fully releases the space, and the clear glass shows the alternation of day and night. 09 Behind the white background wall is the invisible door 10 Behind the invisible door is the children's room There is a mystery on the white background wall of the living room. When you approach it, you gently push it away, and you see a world of babies. 11 Storage space From the porch to the living room, a set of architectural storage system is built up with warm wood colored grilles and white wood panels, which slowly unfold around the edge of the space. 12 Light, shadow and atmosphere The atmosphere of space, in the alternation of natural light, sometimes low-key silence, sometimes soul stirring, sometimes transparent and blurred. 13 Leisure chair 14 Light, shadow and space Concise lines, comfortable furniture, pure atmosphere... Space and environment comb the order of space and sublimate the theme of design under the switching of light. 15 Architectural space composition For this project, architectural thinking and functionalism dominate the design, and have also become the design core for designers to understand space and express home. 16 Corridor end view In terms of details and atmosphere expression, the design injects artistic elements into the corridor, making it like an art space and improving the tension and style of the space. 17 Restaurant The restaurant is a continuation of public space and a place for family members to exchange feelings. The combination of leather dining chairs and round tables brings a relaxing space experience here. 18 Kitchen The kitchen is the home of the owner's mother. Its design is mainly functional, and it is close to the restaurant, so that the food can be delivered to the family at the first time. 19 Master bedroom with invincible River View The master bedroom is located near the river, and the large glass window leads the whole river into the room. Leather leisure chairs, luxurious postmodern furniture and pure white iron floor lamps echo the trend of rich leisure style. Here is the most quiet harbor in life. 20 Master bedroom dressing room