  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 800平米   Area : 800 square meters
  • 完成日期 : 2021-03-01    Completion Date : 2021-03-01
  • 设计师 : Kay Kuo
  • 摄影 : 家天地   Photographer : Domus Tiandi
  • 官网/公众号 : www.maxkdesign.com
Zhangyuan   张园
芳草如绣、车马辚辚、亭台轩馆、履舄纵横……从19世纪末到20世纪前半叶,张园都曾是享誉沪上的“海上第一名园”。历史过去,如今我们用设计,将张园重塑为一处珍藏历史,饱含格调,交汇文化的地标,一个城市再生的范例。用艺术、环保以及长远发展的设计思维,去探求建筑的“新生”。 色彩的灵感来源于难以抗拒的大自然色:普洱茶。 “修葺” 修旧如旧,复原旧有精致装饰元素。新旧建筑与材料的交错,既产生美妙的模糊关系,又有惊艳反差。强调开放性和对美学的传播,创造地标效应。 “渐进” 重新梳理空间关系;标志性设计品、黑白色调等核心线索始终贯穿,让观者感受——整体顺畅,细节震撼,离开后画面也历历在目。 “融合” 集多种业态一体的文化型综合体;贯穿历史与当代精神,兼容东西方美学,打造普世价值。 “生长” 用设计吸引优质内容不断进入,用一个“人文会客厅”激活整个区域新的文化效应生长。 时间给了张园丰厚的积淀,却也没有容许她停下自己的步调。
Fragrant grass such as embroidery, rattling, pavilions and pavilions, shoes and horizontal...... From the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, Zhangyuan was once the "no.1 maritime Garden" in Shanghai. In the past, we use design to reshape Zhangyuan into a landmark of history, style and culture, and an example of urban regeneration. With the design thinking of art, environmental protection and long-term development, to explore the "new" of architecture. Colour inspiration comes from the irresistible nature colour: Pu 'er tea. "Repair" Repair the old, restore the old delicate decorative elements. The interweaving of old and new buildings and materials creates a wonderful blur and a stunning contrast. Emphasize openness and dissemination of aesthetics to create landmark effects. "Progressive" Reframe spatial relations; The core clues, such as iconic design items and black and white tones, run through all the time, making the viewer feel that the whole is smooth, the details are shocking, and the picture can still be seen after leaving. "Convergence" A cultural complex integrating a variety of formats; Through history and contemporary spirit, compatible with eastern and western aesthetics, to create universal value. "Growth" With the design to attract high-quality content constantly enter, with a "humanistic meeting room" to activate the whole area of new cultural affect growth. Time gave Zhang Yuan rich accumulation, but also did not allow her to stop her pace.