Yuxiang Space Design Studio
  • 城市 : 中国·山东·日照   City : Rizhao, Shandong, China
  • 面积 : 60㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-09-27    Completion Date : 2021-09-27
  • 设计师 : 郑匠匠   Designer : Jiangjiang Zheng
  • 摄影 : 单行线建筑空间摄影   Photographer : Single Line Architectural Space Photography
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 与向空间设计   Official Name : Yuxiang Space Design
  • 官网/公众号 : 与向空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : Yuxiang Space Design
Yuxiang Space Design Studio  与向空间设计工作室
现今高速发展的信息时代,社会日新月异,“效率至上”成了人人追求的准则。我们的生活像是积木堆积建成,更多的模块化、简便化使人们与自由和温情的生活渐行渐远。城市繁华喧闹,车辆川流不息,人们焦急且步履匆匆。在追赶时效的今日,我们赢得了时间却失去了生活。动中取静、快中取慢、张弛有度才是我们更应该选择的生活方式,也是我们在这快节奏下更需要的慢生活。 作为设计师的我们,在构建与向空间设计工作室的初期,就将如何缩短团队在格子间工作的距离感的需求前置。给予大家更多民主、自由、开放的空间,给顾客呈现一个充满温情惬意又有趣味互动的环境成为我们的主题。 工作室选址在一个商住一体综合型写字楼内,开门映入眼帘的是乌克兰艺术家纳扎尔 · 比利创作的半身艺术装置《雨》。仰望天空的人能与来访者从内心深处对话,并享受独处时雨滴滴落在脸上,陶醉于自然的力量和美丽之中。艺术玄关的设计放缓空间的节奏感以及增加相对私密性,圆形的孔洞将视线延伸至窗外风景并将窗外采光引入此处。 沟通是人与人之间架起的一座无形的桥梁,沟通是情感的纽带,沟通是信任中开出的一朵鲜花,沟通是交流的开端。多一点沟通,就多一点温暖,多一分理解,多一份美好。设计行业同样离不开沟通与洽谈。我们将原始厨房区域转换为沟通区,将原始长方体排烟管道改造为圆形柱体并承载了洽谈桌一侧的支撑点。长条洽谈桌提供了更利于面对面的交流形式。空间虽然有限,但我们将顺势延伸的墙面区域,利用钢板与墙体的结合,完整呈现出一整面材料选择搭配区。 Less is more,当密斯·凡德罗就任包豪斯学院校长时,他正式提出了这一主张。少即是多的设计理念深入广泛地影响着后世的设计。我们将主体办公区域的办公桌,使用了单层钢板结构的呈现形式。删繁就简,没有无中生有的变化和不必要的装饰,保留核心元素并将其提炼升华,只留轻灵通透的办公桌和办公用品。 洽谈沟通区以及两个办公区域是共通空间,当过道纵横交织的艺术幕帘降下来以后,三个空间才被划分为单独的功能区。设计的独特魅力在于它丰富的多样性,框架中打破固有的局限性,创造出无限的可能性。
Nowadays, as the society changes and the information age gains momentum, people tend to put efficiency first. The way of our life is like building blocks, which is more modular. Simplicity makes people go away from freedom and passion. In the bustling city, people feel anxious and hurried day in and day out. People seems to put efficiency first now. We have to admit that we indeed gain time but lost life. A efficient but pleasurable way of life seem to be the one that worth of pursuing. Yes, this is the slow life that we also need most under the current situation. As designers, we will pay more attention to the need of how to shorten the sense of distance in the team at the beginning of the construction and orientation of the space design studio. To give customers more democratic, free and open space, make them feel warm and comfortable here remain our theme. The studio is located in a residential and commercial office building. When we open the door, the half-length art installation Rain, created by Ukrainian artist Nazar Bili jumps into our sight first. Those who look up at the sky can converse with visitors from their heart, enjoy raindrops falling on their faces when they live alone, and revel in the power and beauty of nature. The design of the art porch is conducive to slow down the rhythm of the space and increase privacy. The design of circular hole extends our view to the scenery outside the window and brings in the light from the window. Communication represents an invisible bridge set up between people. It is also an emotional bond that make us closer. Communication is the beginning of kindness. Where there is a little more communication, there is a little more warmth, understanding, and beauty. The design industry is also inseparable from communication. We transform the original kitchen area into a communication area, and transform the original cuboid smoke exhaust pipe into a circular column bearing the support point on one side of the negotiation table. The long table provides a more convenient form of face-to-face communication for people. Although the space is limited, we will extend the wall area along the trend, making full use of the combination of steel plate and wall, thus completely presenting a whole area of material selection and collocation. It’s known that less is more. When Mies Van Der Rohe became president of the Bauhaus, he formally proposed this idea. The design concept of “ less is more ” has a deep influence on the design of later generations. For the desk in the main office area, we use the presentation form of single-layer steel plate structure. We insist on cutting down to the essentials. There are no unnecessary decorations. We keep the core elements and refine them, only leaving the simple and light desk as well as the office supplies. The communication area and the two office areas are common space. When the art curtain in the corridor is lowered, the three spaces are divided into separate functional areas. The unique charm of the whole design lies in its rich diversity, breaking inherent limitations in the framework while creating infinite possibilities.