Lily new town
  • 城市 : 浙江   City : Zhejiang
  • 面积 : 250㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-09-15    Completion Date : 2020-09-15
  • 设计师 : 沈超悦   Designer : chaoyue Shen
  • 摄影 : 瀚墨-壹高   Photographer : HanMo-Yigao
  • 官网/公众号 : 金象饰家   Website/Official Accounts : cansun
Lily new town  百合新城
设 计 立 意 阳光:朝晨簇新的阳光温柔唤醒的不止是昨夜的美梦,还有明日的希望。温暖的阳光穿梭于微隙的气息.弥漫在秋日里... ... 绿意:绿意点缀的空间,成为沉淀思想、摆渡灵魂的圣地。空间里 龟背的叶子 像极了一张张可爱的小手 有大有小 有长有短  看上去像在和刚回到家中主人 在热情打着招呼 美学:回归自然,返璞归真,探寻自然和人文美学和谐平衡的状态,传递生活与爱的本真之美。
Design intention Sunshine: the fresh sunshine in the morning gently awakens not only the dream of last night, but also the hope of tomorrow. The warm sunshine shuttles through the air in the micro gap. It permeates the autumn Green: the space dotted with green has become a holy land for precipitation of ideas and ferry of souls. The leaves on the turtle's back in the space are like lovely little hands, big and small, long and short It looks like he is greeting the host warmly when he has just returned home Aesthetics: return to nature, return to nature, explore the harmonious balance between nature and humanistic aesthetics, and convey the true beauty of life and love.